Gods At War
Contributed by Kyle Idleman on Sep 27, 2010 (message contributor)
1. Gods Of Pleasure
Contributed on Sep 27, 2010
A sermon in a series on removing sin as the idol in our lives.
Last week we discovered that for most of us in this room idolatry is the issue. Sin is usually what we focus on, but it’s just the fruit. Idolatry is always the tree from which it grows. So behind every sin struggle that I have, behind every sin struggle that you have, is a false god that is ...read more
2. Gods Of Success
Contributed on Sep 27, 2010
A sermon in a series about the sins we set up as idols in our lives.
…Homerun Derby, an annual competition. A player by the name of Josh Hamilton, who used to play for the Cincinnati Reds…but they traded him away (as they often do with their best players) to the Texas Rangers (Laughter)…and so Josh Hamilton steps up to the plate, but the path to ...read more