God's Character Emulated By God's People
Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 8, 2020 (message contributor)
1. God's Character Sermon I: God Our Provider
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, people of godly character keep on trusting God's purpose, God's provision, God's timing.
GOD’S WORDS TRANSLATED INTO GOOD WORKS DEFINES GODLY CHARACTER Thesis: When God’s People emulate God’s character, human needs are met and God is glorified. God’s “names” reveal God’s character. Application: Identify “names” that are descriptive of your character. ...read more
2. God's Character Sermon Ii: God Our Healer
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, God is able to turn a bitter circumstance into a better situation for those who trust Him.
GOD OUR HEALER “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty together again.” We smile at this little nursery rhyme; it’s ...read more
3. God's Character Sermon Iii: God Our Banner
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, God's people look to the Lord their God for protection from enemies without as well as the enemy within.
GOD OUR BANNER The highlight of the International Olympics, for me and my household, is always the parade of nations during which youth from all over the world - who have gathered in a designated country to compete in ...read more
4. God's Character Sermon Iv: God Our Peace
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, with conflict on every hand, God's people rely on the peace that our Lord gives by His presence and amazing grace that sees us through it all.
GOD OUR PEACE For a few minutes, let’s play Jeopardy. I’ll be Alex Trebeck and you be the contestants. Your category is: “God’s Names That Reveal His Character”. Here’s how we play: I will give you an ...read more
5. God's Character Sermon V: Our Faithful Redeemer
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, nothing reassures God's family like knowing that God our Father is God our Redeemer who turned post-crucifixion depression into post-resurrection exhilaration.
GOD OUR FAITHFUL REDEEMER PROVED BY HIS RESURRECTION WHICH WAS PROVED BY HIS APPEARANCES You might have heard it said, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” - meaning that the true test of whether or not a claim is ...read more
6. God's Character Sermon Vi: The Lord Our Shepherd
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, God's people have nothing to fear nor dread simply due to the watch care and keeping of His own by the Lord our Shepherd.
THE LORD OUR SHEPHERD “We all need somebody to lean on” is the popular line of a hit song you may be familiar with. It’s a sentiment with which most of us agree, as indicated by your responses on the little test on which you ...read more
7. God's Character Sermon Vii: God Our Righteousness
Contributed on Jul 8, 2020
In times of testing, God's people need to remember that the Lord God is our Maker, Father and Redeemer who will in the end make things right! Until then, we go on . . .
THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Have you ever known or do you know someone of whom it could (can) be said, “His (Her) word is his (her) bond” – meaning that whatever that person says he (she) will do, he (she) will do to the best of ...read more