Sermon Series
  • Getting Our Theology And Thinking Right About The Church

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Dec 26, 2013 (message contributor)

    based on 2 ratings    (rate this series)
  • 1. Get Together

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    God's purpose in redemption and reconciliation was to make a new race, the human race! It seems discouraging that so many churches are divided. Why is that so and is it possible to become what God designed. Yes find out what hinders and what helps unit

    Intro: We began by hearing that this life is not about us. Our life is to be controlled and conformed to the person and principle of Jesus. The church, the body of people that trust Jesus is to be centered on Jesus. We are also called to be holy, different, set apart for God’s purpose on more

  • 2. Introducing God's Desire For The Church

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Paul's letter to the Ephesians is cram packed with powerful theology and practical Christianity. If we allow it to change us the church with grow spiritually and in every other way.

    Intro: In light of the confusion about what scripture says and what the church is supposed to be and do this letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians is a great way to end 2013 and begin 2014. In this letter Paul gives clear teaching on how we can get our theology and thinking about the Church right. more

  • 3. The Centrality Of Christ

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Second week of the Ephesians Series. God designed the Church to Be Christ centered. If we are Christ centered we will speak well of God and fulfill our purpose.

    Intro: We said last week that the culture is opposed to the person and principle of Jesus Christ. We must remember that we are chosen in Christ to please and praise God. We are continuing to clear our thoughts about the church with this powerful theology that encourages us to keep our lives more

  • 4. Knowing God Personally Living For God Powerfully

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth week of this series. God offers a personal relationship that leads to a powerful life for His glory.

    Intro: Andy Stanley tells the story of when he was 13 and learning the meaning of the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words." His dad was the Associate Pastor of First Baptist in Atlanta when the senior pastor was asked to resign. Charles Stanley was asked to preach on Sundays until a suitable more

  • 5. Paul's Prayer For God's Control Of You

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Paul as we say in the south chases a rabbit of huge importance. He tells of the central importance of the church in God's plan to reveal His wisdom in the Gospel. Then Paul prays that the church will practically live what God has divinely designed.

    Intro: Paul was just getting ready to pray for the Ephesian church when he was reminded of the importance of the church and as preachers are often known to do he chases a rabbit. What an important rabbit to chase today. The church would probably not make it into a list of the 50 most more

  • 6. Strategy: Learning God’s Way To Win Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2014

    We are at War! When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we are commissioned to stand in a battle. Victory only comes when we know who and how we face the battle.

    Intro: Video intro from sermon Spice – Spiritual Warfare What are the three biggest mistakes you can make in warfare? 1) Not knowing you enemies strategy 2) Not having a strategy of your own 3) Not knowing you are at war. Paul has told us about riches of being in God’s family more

  • 7. United For The Growth Of The Church And The Glory Of God

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Paul has finished telling the Ephesians about their riches and inheritance in Jesus and now begins teaching them about their responsibility to Jesus. True understanding of correct biblical teaching should lead to correct Christian living

    Intro: The Christian life is not based on ignorance but knowledge. Knowledge of Jesus! We are never taught the Bible nor do we study the Bible merely to learn what it says but instead we learn it to live what it says. True understanding of correct biblical teaching should motivate us to more

  • 8. Living By A New Standard

    Contributed on May 4, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Paul called the Ephesians to put off the old and put on the new. He is calling us to live by the new standard of Christ.

    Intro: We learned early on of the riches we have in Jesus. We are adopted and sealed as sons. No one can take away our inheritance because God sealed it with His precious Holy Spirit. We have every heavenly blessing in Christ. We are now continuing to learn about our responsibilities in Christ more

  • 9. The Pattern For Powerful Personal Relationships

    Contributed on May 28, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    If you have ever wanted to know what it looked like to live a resurrected life Paul gives the pattern here. God not only redeems and restores our relationship with Him but also with others. Live this pattern to powerfully display Jesus.

    Intro: Tomorrow is Memorial Day. We will celebrate those that have served in the United States Military because their service and many their sacrifice purchased the freedom to stand or sit or sing or speak today. There are many ways we could come up with to honor their memory, service and more

  • 10. The Spirit Filled Life

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2014

    The Spirit filled life is not simply about spouting Spiritual garbage. It is about allowing the Holy Spirit to control every area of your life. Come and see how that works out practically

    Info: Moody was to have a campaign in England. An elderly pastor protested, "Why do we need this 'Mr. Moody'? He's uneducated, inexperienced, etc. Who does he think he is anyway? Does he think he has a monopoly on the Holy Spirit?" A younger, wiser pastor rose and responded, "No, but the Holy more

  • 11. The Pattern For Powerful Personal Relationships (Part 2)

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Paul begins this section of scripture with since you have received all that Jesus purchased and assuming you learned of Him by experience you should have a different lifestyle than the lost. Your life should be characterized by hard work and helpful words

    Intro: This week we continue the second part of Pattern for Powerful Personal Relationships. We continue to see the pattern that reveals the resurrection life in us. This is the explanation of John 13:35 “by this they will know that you are my disciples.” If we love the Lord Jesus more