Sermon Series
  • 1. Get Fat: Faithful

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2010

    God's method of promoting leaders

    I love FAT people!!! ➢ I am always looking to be around FAT people because I know God blesses FAT people. ➢ I want to be FAT ➢ Did you know that FAT people have a better reputation in their community ➢ Did you know that FAT people are more successful and get better more

  • 2. Get Fat: Available

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2010

    Promotion on the job hinges on availability – promotion in God’s Kingdom hinges on availability.

    INTRO MESSAGE GET FAT - Availability QUICK REVIEW ➢ Last week we started a series of teachings on the characteristics that lead us to experience promotion and become the person God has created us to be. ➢ We call it GETTING FAT – reason God loves to use FAT more

  • 3. Get Fat: Teachable

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2010

    Do you have a humble attitude that says I can learn from this person or situation? Or do you have the prideful attitude that says, it's got to go my way?

    INTRO MESSAGE GET FAT - Teachable QUICK REVIEW ➢ We are in a series of teachings on the characteristics that lead us to experience promotion and become the person God has created us to be. ➢ For the past 2 weeks we have been GETTING FAT – because God wants to use FAT more