Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Feb 3, 2008 (message contributor)
1. Come, Let Us....
Contributed on Feb 3, 2008
Demonstrating through the story of Babel how to avoid unhealthy pride and fear by trusting God.
COME, LET US……. Genesis 11:1-9 Read all of Genesis 11:1-9. Today’s message addresses human pride, fear, and sin. Very apparent to us at this point: It is a message of judgment; but upon closer examination of its context, we also find a message of grace. When a televised baseball game ...read more
2. Greater Things Than These
Contributed on Mar 20, 2008
What application could Jacob’s struggles have for us today. A look at a ladder, Jacob, and even Nathanial help us to understand that God is there for us and knows everything.
GREATER THINGS THAN THESE Genesis 28:10-22 WHO WAS JACOB? Verses 10-11 Was he a traveling salesman?...why was he going from Beer-sheba to Haran? 1.He was looking for a wife. He was told by his father not to take a wife from the Canaanite people, so he ...read more