Sermon Series
  • 1. A Life Worthy: Geared Up For Life

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2021

    TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B August 1, 2021 author of Ephesians wants us to realize that we are not left without resources

    Now we’re moving from preaching to meddling, as the old cliché goes. To declare that there is a life worthy of the gospel is to claim that there is a life that isn’t. There are choices to be made in how we live out our faith. And some of those choices reveal whether we are indeed “rooted and more

  • 2. Armored: Geared Up For Life

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2021

    THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B August 22, 2021, this is the Armor, the gear we have been “gearing up for life” throughout the series. So, what are these tools and how do we employ them in our daily lives?

    INTRODUCTION As Hitler’s appetite for power and territory grew, his army began to march across Europe. In some cases, the fight could hardly be called a battle. The Evil German Nazi army advanced, with its tanks and with technologically advanced weapons. In some of the underdeveloped nations, more

  • 3. Giving Thanks: Geared Up For Life

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2021

    TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B August 15, 2021Thinking on thanksgiving and the celebration of life for a mentor I attended this week. My mind and spirit are focused on celebrating the goodness of God and understanding the blessing

    Thinking of thanksgiving and the celebration of life for a mentor I attended this week. My mind and spirit are focused on celebrating the goodness of God and understanding the blessing I have while setting aside the hardships and tears. to move our thinking away from what we think we don’t have more

  • 4. Rooted And Grounded In Love

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2021

    Proper 12 (17) Ninth Sunday after Pentecost July 25, 2021 Prayer is an Action word! We are rooted in the love of Christ!

    Sermon Text: “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. This quote has haunted me – perhaps for years – but especially since George more