Sermon Series
  • 1. No Rules

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This a message in an expository series from the book of Galatians.

    “No Catch…No Rules” Galatians 1:1-5 The Good News of the freedom that is available through Jesus Christ seems almost too good to be true. The fact that there are no rules is perhaps the most exciting and yet at the same time the most puzzling fact about being a Christian. There are so many more

  • 2. The Original And Only Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2007

    A message from an expository series on the book of Galatians.

    “The Original and Only Gospel” Galatians 1:6-10 In this letter Paul goes against the standards for letter writing of His day by skipping the typical complimentary word. Proper letter writing form dictated that you say something good about the recipients. But Paul jumps from the greeting more

  • 3. The Gospel Factor

    Contributed on May 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is a part of an expository series on the Book of Galatians

    The Judaizers have been working really hard to lure the Galatian believers back into the world of religious legalism. It seems as though that these opponents of freedom in Christ have decided to adopt a two-fold strategy. With the Galatians being new to the faith and too immature to truly enjoy more

  • 4. Understanding Freedom In Christ

    Contributed on May 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A message in an expository series on the Book of Galatians.

    “Understanding Freedom in Christ” Galatians 2:1-10 In our text Paul is continuing to craft his argument to call the Galatians back to the freedom of the Gospel. As we saw in the very first message Paul was greatly alarmed at how easily the Galatians had allowed themselves to be led back into more

  • 5. Understanding The Gospel And Freedom

    Contributed on May 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A message from an expository series on the Book of Galatians.

    C.S. Lewis wrote this, “An open mind, in questions that are not ultimate, is useful. But an open mind about ultimate foundations either of Theoretical or Practical Reason is idiocy. If a man’s mind is open on these things, let his mouth at least be shut.” Though the Galatians had the benefit of more

  • 6. A Look At The Law And Promises

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2007

    A message in an expository series from the book of Galatians

    Today we are about to encounter one of the most difficult passages in all of Paul’s writings. In these verses, he draws on the debating skills he learned from his rabbinic teachers. He is reasoning in our text in a way that is very characteristic of a first century rabbi. In the first century it more

  • 7. Living As Children Of The King

    Contributed on Jun 26, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    A message in an expository series from Galatians

    Very forcefully Paul has just finished making the point that we are no longer slaves but children of God and since we are children of God, He has also made us heirs. This reveals the ultimate purpose of God sending His Son, of the Son putting on humanity and His sacrifice on the cross to set us more

  • 8. The Only Thing That Counts Is Faith

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A message from an expository series from the book of Galatians.

    As you are probably quite sick of hearing; Galatians 5:1 states the theme of the entire letter. Christ has set us free. What Paul wants more than anything is for us to enjoy this freedom that Christ has provided. When we allow ourselves to become subject to traditions and other man made standards more

  • 9. There's Always A Critic

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A message from an expository series from the book of Galatians.

    From comment cards to online customer service surveys our culture encourages us to be critical of everything from food to services. I know, it comes in the package with freedom. It’s a first amendment thing. Recently Time Magazine featured an article entitled “When Everyone’s a Critic.” The more

  • 10. Understanding Our Spiritual Family

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    A message from an expository series from the book of Galatians.

    In reality there are only two ways to win a race. You can win by running faster than anyone else or by having everyone else quit before reaching the finish line. As we have traveled through the book of Galatians we have encountered a group of legalists known as the Judaizers. The legalists have a more

  • 11. True Fruit And Bragging

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    A message from an expository series from the Book of Galatians.

    Think for a moment about how Paul must have felt as he dictated this letter. Perhaps he picked up the manuscript and reread the arguments he presented and the instructions he gave. Probably some time had passed since the original dictation. He thought the letter was complete and as probably was more

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View Sermon The Unmovable Mountain
The Unmovable Mountain


By: Ian Humphrey

You viewed this on Wednesday, March 26