Sermon Series
  • 1. Forgiveness (Part 1)

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2024

    Did you see something new in God's word this past week? Equally important, did you apply it your own life, or bless someone by telling them what the Holy Spirit revealed to you?

    In Matthew 18:21 we see that Peter asks Jesus the question “Lord how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No not seven times”, Jesus replied, but seventy times seven!” I can just see the thought bubble above Peters head “Oh great, not only do I have to forgive my more

  • 2. Forgiveness (Part 2)

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2024

    What did you do this past week, that God will say “Well done good and faithful servant?” Without naming names, there are some of you here today that lived out Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, truly I tell you whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”

    Last week we looked at forgiveness and how important forgiveness is to God. We touched on: • Where asking for forgiveness was first mentioned in the bible. Found in Exodus 9:27 • We also looked how Adam and Eve blamed others instead of asking for forgiveness. o A friend commented to me this past more