Forgiveness Is Conditional And Brings Many Questions
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 17, 2020 (message contributor)
1. Forgiveness Is Conditional: Basics
Contributed on Feb 17, 2020
Forgiveness is conditional and part of a continuum.
Forgiveness Basics (Luke 17:3-4) 1. Twenty years ago, Rwanda experienced a horrible genocide as one tribal group attacked and massacred another over tribal rivalry. Here is one story of forgiveness from that horrid era. “He killed my father and three brothers. He did these killings with other ...read more
2. When No Apology Is Forthcoming: What Do You Do?
Contributed on Feb 24, 2020
Today we are going to consider what we should do when an offender won’t own his sin and ask forgiveness.
Note: In my 30-35 minutes allottted to preach, I only covered points I and II; I will take point III and make a separate sermon out of it (should be next in order). Audio available on sermon.net. This sermon is better understood in light of part one in this series, "Forgiveness ...read more
3. Letting Go Specifics
Contributed on Mar 2, 2020
Letting go is an informal process, not a science; nonetheless, it is helpful to grasp two concepts about this matter.
Letting Go Specifics 1. Two weeks ago, I tried to prove to you that the Bible teaches forgiveness is conditional, requiring repentance on the offender’s part. We forgive as God forgives. 2. We saw that forgiveness is a continuum. In some cases, forgiveness in the fullest sense – relating as ...read more
4. Forgiving, Trusting, Forgetting
Contributed on Mar 9, 2020
What is the relationship between forgiving and trusting? Forgiving and forgetting? What should be our primary motive in forgiving?
Forgiving, Trusting, Forgetting 1. Once upon a time in their marriage, Saul Rosenberg did something really stupid. Ethel Rosenberg chewed him out for it. He apologized, they made up. However, from time to time, Ethel would mention what he had done. "Honey," Saul finally said one day, ...read more
5. Ignorance, Hurt, And Forgiveness
Contributed on Mar 16, 2020
Today we will look at the difference between willful sin, sinning in ignorance, and the feelings that hurt creates -- and how this all relates to forgiveness.
Ignorance, Hurt, and Forgiveness (topical) 1. A man given to day-dreaming was driving down the freeway a cell phone call came in through his blue tooth audio system. He heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong ...read more
6. If We Are To Be Forgiving, Does This Mean We Shouldn’t Prosecute Criminals?
Contributed on Mar 29, 2020
Are Christians free to prosecute lawbreakers?
If We Are to Be Forgiving, Does This Mean We Shouldn’t Prosecute Criminals? (topical) 1. “A man, convinced of a crime, was in court. The judge said 'Why did the police arrest you?' The man replied 'For shopping too early.' The judge said 'Well that's not a crime, how early ...read more
7. Genuine Apology
Contributed on Mar 29, 2020
Asking for forgiveness is an excellent thing to do when we are genuinely remorseful. The Parable of the Prodigal Son models this.
Genuine Apology (Luke 15:18) 1. Two hunters hire a small plane to take them to a remote area of Canada. Upon dropping off the hunters, the pilot tells them, "Remember only one moose, because the plane wouldn't be able to take off with more weight than that." The hunters go off. A ...read more
8. Why Some Will Not Forgive
Contributed on May 11, 2020
Not everyone is willing to forgive the truly repentant. This lack of forgiveness can be divided int three categories at least.
Why Some Will Not Forgive Luke 15:25-32 Review: We forgive as God does, conditioned upon repentance. When we wrong another, and we take responsibility and ask forgiveness for the specific wrong, things are then out of our hands. If people forgive us, it is out of their graciousness. If they do ...read more