Sermon Series
  • 1. Living As Citizens Of A New Kingdom

    Contributed on May 19, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Our response to the grace we have received through the risen Christ, new birth and living hope of eternal life, is holy living.

    Last week on Easter Sunday we focused on the resurrection of Jesus. We looked at how the resurrection of Jesus changed everything. People who encountered the resurrected Jesus were completely changed. One disciple in particular, Simon Peter, had abandoned Jesus in his hour of need, along with more

  • 2. Living Stones

    Contributed on May 19, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    As living stones built on Christ the Cornerstone we become the temple for God’s Spirit and a priestshood serving one another.

    Christ the Cornerstone What is the primary Biblical image Jesus’ disciple Peter used to describe Jesus? You might think Messiah, Savior, Lamb of God, Shepherd. Actually the primary Biblical image one of his disciples, Peter, used to portray Jesus is the Cornerstone. The first time Peter more

  • 3. Submitting To Those In Authority Over Us

    Contributed on May 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How Christians are supposed to live in submission under the God given governing and workplace authorities.

    Since Easter we have been looking at Jesus’ disciple Peter and his first letter. This is a man who walked with Jesus when he was on the earth. He was one of the twelve disciples. His life was transformed by the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and he became one of the leaders of the early more

  • 4. Being A Christian Spouse In A Hostile Home

    Contributed on May 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How Christians live in a marriage with a non-Christian spouse.

    We have been going through Jesus’ disciple Peter’s first letter. Last week we looked at how we, as Christians, live as citizens of God’s kingdom, heaven, while still living here on earth in a society which frequently does not share our values. Peter’s particular focus was on how we live under the more

  • 5. Stewards Of God�s Grace

    Contributed on May 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter summarizes the 4 basic things for a Christian to do (pray, love one another, hospitality, and using our gifts to serve one another).

    Throughout Peter�s letter he has been teaching Christian believers how to live as strangers in this world since we are now citizens of God�s kingdom, heaven. Peter gives God�s wisdom on how we as Christians live in a culture which doesn�t share our values, and is perhaps even opposed to more