Sermon Series
  • 1. The Lord Hears

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The first sermon in a series on Exodus deals with chapters 1-2, focusing on the way God is able to work behind the scenes, in spite of human circumsatnce, and apart from human power, talent, or skills.

    The Lord Hears Exodus 1-2 CHCC: March 1, 2009 INTRODUCTION: Today we’re starting a series of lessons from Exodus. The books of Genesis and Exodus introduce the basics of Who God Is … and you could say that the rest of the Bible elaborates on it. In Genesis God introduces himself as more

  • 2. Who Am I That I Should Go?

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Second sermon in Exodus series from Chapters 3-4 deals with Moses conversation with God at the burning bush, and his call to ministry

    Who am I that I should go? Exodus 3-4 CHCC: March 8, 2009 INTRODUCTION: We all know that our past President from TX is now a private citizen, back in his home state. I heard that recently George W. Bush was waiting in an airport lobby when he noticed a man in a long flowing white robe more

  • 3. The Two Commandments

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This message from Exodus deals with the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20, and also points to how Jesus interpreted the 10 commandments by making them into just two.

    The Two Commandments Exodus 19-24 CHCC: April 5, 2009 INTRODUCTION: There was a Gallup Poll taken in 1990 which indicated that only 47% of the adult population in the United States knew more than five out of ten of the commandments. In fact, more people claimed to live by the ten more

  • 4. Show Me Your Glory

    Contributed on May 13, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Sermon #7 in the Exodus series, used on Easter, reveals God’s appearances to Moses, Elijah, and then to Peter, James, and John in Luke 9.

    Show me Your Glory Exodus 33:14-23 CHCC: April 12, 2009 INTRODUCTION: Set up Video (link on YOutube) Video: Richard Dawkins interviewed by Ben Stein from Movie "Expelled" (Available on Youtube) The Final statement Dawkins made in his more

  • 5. Shadow To Substance

    Contributed on May 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The final message in the Exodus series focuses on Christ as the substance of all things that were a part of the Law. The Tabernacle, Furniture, and Priesthood were all shadows of what was to come in Christ.

    Shadow to Substance Exodus 24-29 CHCC: May 3, 2009 INTRODUCTION: This is the last sermon in a series we’ve been doing on the book of EXODUS. For the last 2 Sundays, Ronnie talked about the TABERNACLE and its FURNITURE. He mentioned the extremely DETAILED instructions that God gave for more