Sermon Series
  • 1. Mordecai The Worship Guy. Haman The Warship Man

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    There are 4 major lessons we learn from Esther: 1. God has a plan for your life. 2. Satan has a plan for your life. 3. You have a choice. 4. God has the answer.

    There was a dog who just could not stand for another dog to get the best of him in any way. One day the dog came across a chunk of meat that had fallen off a butcher truck. The dog picked up the meat and started running with it. All was going well until he started across a bridge with water more

  • 2. The Upright Trouble Of An Upside-Down World

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    Some romance, some violence, a lot of action and has a plot that contains more twists than Downton Abbey. The main characteristics of the story of Esther in one word is REVERSAL...

    I don’t like sweets, this is one unfortunate handicap for a pastor. While visiting people, I found myself in a difficult position: somewhere between accepting that sweet treat, a piece of cake or sugary dink and force myself to swallow. Or to refuse and look like a health freek more more

  • 3. The Beauty And The Feast

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Vashti reminds us that in a world of money, sex, power, and applause, the foundation of true greatness is moral integrity. But when you run against the kings of our world, when you stand for what is right, history will never be the same.

    I know you remember your wedding. Mine was memorable not because I married the prettiest girl in the world, but because of the circumstances. For the reception we were prepared to feed around 250 people, but more than 500 came so… no seating place. We had to clean the place for the second more

  • 4. Human Smoothies In God's Blender

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 12 ratings

    Blenders are designed to take independent foods and integrate them to create something new, bigger and better than any one item could be on its own. What a housewife does in a kitchen when she mixes the batter for a cake, God does with the Universe.

    Blenders are designed to take independent foods and integrate them to create something new, bigger and better than any one item could be on its own. What a housewife does in a kitchen when she mixes the batter for a cake, God does with the Universe. (BRING A BLENDER, show an tell...) God is the more

  • 5. For Such A Time Like This

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    For a while everything looks fine. Job, family, TV, money... Until one day when the life fragile balance is going to be disrupted by one of the same gods we used to worship during the week… Bam! a crisis around worship. Who/what is going to be my savior

    ILL. It was another year of drought for Himba, a tribe from Namibia Africa. Kuneni, a young man, went out as he did every day, to look for something to eat. No deer or other game, no fruits, no mushrooms, only a scorching sun… That day he discovered a bee hive in an unusual place, in a tree more

  • 6. Fasting Before Feasting, Praying Before Swaying

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    Esther is the story of a loving God who wakes up His people before it's too late. When many begin to sense the looming crisis of the end-time, they too will do the important heart work that prepares them for "what God wants to do for & through them".

    ILL. Not very long ago there were two sheep who put on wolf's clothing and went among the wolves as spies, to see what was going on. And to help the flock be better prepared against these predators.They arrived on a holiday, when all the wolves were eating and drinking and dancing in the more

  • 7. The Man The King Delights To Honor

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 10 ratings

    Years for Mordecai brave act and no medal. No promotion. Not a single word of appreciation. “God, I am depressed. I did such a good thing for the king sake, I’ve risked my career, my life, but no one cares. I quit my job/faith". Know this feeling?

    Thomas Watson, the Puritan pastor of the 1600’s wrote this of God’s providence: "There is no such thing as blind fate, but there is a Providence that guides and governs the world. Providence is God’s ordering all issues and events of things, after the counsel of His will, to His own glory. The more