Sermon Series
  • 1. Redeemed By The Blood

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2020

    We are either saved by faith or we're not saved at all

    Ephesians 1:1-14 Two old guys from a seniors home were sitting outside enjoying the sunshine when one turned to the other and said, "Hey Slim, I'm 83 years old and I'm just full of aches and pains. You’re about my age. How do you feel?" And Slim said, "I feel just like a more

  • 2. The First Of Two

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2020

    Paul is writing to these Ephesians and some say this that in this book he's condensing the book of Romans

    Ephesians 1:1-14 The first message Let’s begin with an easy question? Who wrote most of the New Testament? Yes, the answer is Luke. Paul wrote the most books but Luke actually wrote more words when he wrote the books of Luke and Acts. Now, this book of Ephesians begins like the rest of Paul’s more