Sermon Series
  • 1. Walking In Love

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    As Christians we are to be distinctive from walking in the ways of the world by walking in love.

    Introduction Back in the late summer and fall, we explored together the fourth chapter of Ephesians, a chapter rich with teaching about the church and the individual Christian life. Let’s review briefly. The first three chapters of Ephesians form one glorious doxology extolling the riches we more

  • 2. Deceptive Living

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2012

    Addresses sexual immorality and crudeness.

    Introduction We all have limits as to what we will and will not wear. Even if we are not fashion conscious, there are boundaries we will not cross. For that matter, there are dress habits we will not give up. Battles are fought in homes over what we will and will not wear. Back in Ephesians more

  • 3. Walking As Light

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2012

    Who are you? And being who you are, what difference does it make in the way you live? Those are the two questions that our passage addresses.

    Introduction Who are you? And being who you are, what difference does it make in the way you live? Those are the two questions that our passage addresses. Text Paul has ascribed different terms for the identity of the Christian believers. They are “saints”; they are more

  • 4. Exposing The Darkness

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2012

    Lives are at stake, both our neighbors and our own. In regard to our neighbors, we are either living as light before them and hopefully exposing for them their darkness, or we are keeping our light hidden and allowing them to wander in the darkness unawar

    Introduction In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in more

  • 5. Walking With Wisdom

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2012

    Do you wish to be wise? Would you like to discern God’s will and use your time wisely? Our text wants that for you.

    Introduction Do you wish to be wise? Do you wish to make wise decisions? Would you like to give wise counsel? Would you like to discern God’s will and use your time wisely? Our text wants that for you. Let’s see what wisdom we can gain from it. Text We are about to close out more

  • 6. Filled With The Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2012

    Here, we are being instructed to the things that exhibit and encourage a Spirit-filled life.

    Introduction There is a satisfaction to reaching the end of a long walk, especially if that walk has been along beautiful and interesting vistas. So it has been with our walk in this section of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians that presents the Christian walk. Stretching from 4:1 to 5:21, more