Sermon Series
  • 1. The Death And Burial Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2014

    Part 1 of 4 in a series covering the things of first importance as presented by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15

    INTRODUCTION: People, especially non- Christians often ask of the church “why is there such a single minded emphasis on the gospel?” Our response is simple yet profound… because it’s all about the gospel! As a church everything we do, everything that we say, everything we more

  • 2. The Resurrection Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2014

    Part 2 of 4 in a series covering the things of first importance as presented by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15

    INTRODUCTION: Both friend and enemies of the Christian faith have recognized that the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the foundation-stone of the Christian faith. The people of the church at Corinth were starting to listen to some who said there is no such thing as the more

  • 3. The Ascension Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2014

    Part 3 of 4 in a series covering the things of first importance as presented by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15

    INTRODUCTION: As we discussed last week the resurrection of Christ is the foundational truth of the Gospel, and while the Gospel we preach rests solely on that foundation, there is more to the story… We’ve looked at how the burial of Christ often gets wrongly overlooked; well there are more

  • 4. The Return Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2014

    Part 4 of 4 in a series covering the things of first importance as presented by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15

    INTRODUCTION: The Second Coming of Christ is the hope of all believers that God is going to be faithful in fulfilling the promises of the prophecies found in His word. At His first coming Jesus came as a baby in the manger of Bethlehem. In His birth, life, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection, more