Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Rolls Away The Stone

    Contributed on May 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Easter: This short sermon reflects on how Jesus Christ, through the resurrection, has rolled away the enormous stone of sin in our life.

    We gather here this morning to remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gospel writers put a great amount of time into sharing the details of our Lord’s trial and crucifixion; however, the account of the resurrection is contained in only a few short passages; and yet the more

  • 2. One Man Shall Die For All

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good Friday: All of us have ideas about the person of Christ and His work. Because of their presuppositions, the chief priests and Pharisees were unable to see the "truth" that Jesus was and is the long-awaited Messiah and Savior.

    I’ve entitled our message this evening, “One Man Shall Die for All.” We call the day that our Lord died on the cross Good Friday, but there was nothing good about it for Jesus. This day is called “good,” because it’s good for us. In a prophecy of the Messiah, in Isaiah 53:4-5, we read, “Surely, more

  • 3. Is He Your God?

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good Friday: Psalm 22 is an amazingly accurate depiction of the events that surrounded Jesus’ crucifixion, and there is a lot we can learn from this passage about God’s character and His power over both life and death.

    Our passage that we will examine today is amazing, for it is a prophecy of the passion story, or an account of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, that was written nearly 800 years before the birth of Jesus. James Smith says that, “Such a hope [as is found in this passage] must be restricted to the more

  • 4. Jesus Or Barabbas?

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good Friday: Each and every person who cried out for Barabbas to be released was as guilty as he. And we too are just as guilty, for it was on account of our sins that He was slain.

    Good Friday is coming up this week; so, this morning we’re going to focus on an event surrounding Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. We will be examining the account of Jesus and Barabbas, and this is apparently a significant event because it is shared in all four of the gospels. The other locations more

  • 5. Seven Words Of Wisdom

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good Friday: This message looks at seven words of wisdom based on Jesus’ seven words spoken on the cross; words that help us deal with any and every struggle that we face today.

    The historical event that we remember and celebrate on Easter morning is the resurrection of Jesus Christ; in which He rose from the grave, defeating sin and death for all who put their faith and trust in Him. However, this morning, we’re not going to look at the resurrection; were’ going to look more

  • 6. Who Has Believed?

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Good Friday: Just as people doubt the resurrection, they also doubt the crucifixion. This message looks at a detailed report concerning the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, written centuries before it ever happened.

    Today is Easter Sunday, the day when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The resurrection was the most important event in salvation history, for it proved that Jesus truly is the Son of God, and that He has power over sin and death; giving Him the right to proclaim more

  • 7. A Foreshadowing Sacrifice

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Good Friday: God knew ahead of time that He would – and must – sacrifice His one and only Son in order to atone for the sins that separate people from Him. In Genesis chapter 22, we see a glimpse into the future of God’s plan of salvation.

    I’ve entitled our message this morning, “A Foreshadowing Sacrifice,” which indicates that we’re going to be looking at something foretold long before it happened. I wish to begin our message this morning by sharing something out of the book of Acts. In Acts 8:31-35, we find the account of Philip more

  • 8. The Meaning Of Passover

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Passover: The origin of the Lord’s Supper is Passover. This holy day reminds us of all the Lord has done by freeing us from the bondage of sin and bringing us into the Promised Land of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

    Next week is Easter, and since it falls on the first of the quarter this year we will partake of the Lord’s Supper on Easter morning. Tonight we will, in a manner of sorts, be observing Communion with what is called a Passover Meal. Now, the origin of the Lord’s Supper just so happens to be the more

  • 9. Was It A Morning Like This?

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Easter: This message shows how, through the resurrection, Jesus has brought light to our darkness and given us good news to share. Jesus seeks a personal encounter, and wants us to experience His resurrection power in our life.

    Was It a Morning Like This? Luke 24:1-12 I have entitled our message, “Was It a Morning Like This?” Was it a morning like today when Jesus arose from the grave? I want to begin by reminding us how the resurrection is the event on which our faith is founded. In 1 Corinthians 15:16-17, the more

  • 10. From Tragedy To Triumph

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Easter: Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of salvation and eternal life. But what else did it accomplish? It gave us the promise of renewal and transformation in our everyday lives and over our trials and troubles.

    Easter is upon – the day when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and at Easter time we wish to hear why the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is significant to us. We want to hear of the hope that we no longer have to be condemned to an eternal spiritual death, more

  • 11. A Cunningly Devised Fable?

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Easter: This message examines a common argument against the resurrection and looks at some simple proofs. We will come to realize that the resurrection did indeed happen, and that it is far from being a cunningly devised fable.

    I wish to begin our message with a quote. Virginia, minister once stated, “We have closed our minds to such trivial considerations as the question of the resurrection of Christ. If you fundamentalists wish to believe that nonsense, we have no objections, but we have more important things to more

  • 12. Celebration Of The King

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Palm Sunday: This message on "The Triumphal Entry" teaches us some things about worship, concerning what we should be thankful for and what we should celebrate when we find ourselves in the presence of the one true King, Jesus Christ.

    One Palm Sunday, a little boy had a sore throat and had to stay home from church with a babysitter. When the rest of the family came home, they were carrying palm branches; and the little boy asked what they were for. His father told him that people waved them in celebration as Jesus passed by. more

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Clearly Seeing Jesus


By: Mike Dubose

You viewed this on Wednesday, March 26