Sermon Series
  • 1. Josiah

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2023

    God’s Word is powerful when we apply it to our lives, and God can use anyone—even youth—to display the strength of His Word.

    INTRODUCTION • In the sporting world, a dark horse is used for teams, and athletes would unexpectedly outperform expectations. • Some people feel that they are too young or too old, or they let their past get in the way of doing something significant with their life for Jesus. • I hope that our more

  • 2. Lydia

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2023

    Make the most of your opportunity.

    INTRODUCTION • When you think about teams and athletes considered dark horses, one common thread you find is that when the opportunity came knocking, they were ready to take advantage of the opportunity presented to them. • When I pondered this thought, a couple of names came to mind from the NFL; more