Sermon Series
  • 1. When The World Is Unhinged (Covid And The Christian)

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2020

    How to live the Christian life when the world seems to be falling apart

    Welcome everybody! Today we are beginning a brand-new sermon series that I’m calling COVID and the Christian. I admit it—that is a strange way to name a series of sermons—if it wasn’t the year 2020! We are 7 months into 2020 and I don’t believe there has been a day go by this year when the word more

  • 2. While We Suffer (Covid And The Christian)

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A word we don't like is submission. We certainly don't like it when we feel as if we're being wronged somehow. “Submission” is the key ingredient that enables a Christian to live a good life among the ungodly!

    I’m confident that in the years that follow, there will be plenty of articles and books written about this chapter in world history and in church history. And they will address the question, “what lessons did we learn from all of this?” And I’m confident that much of that will be helpful. Looking more

  • 3. Harmony (Covid And The Christian)

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2020

    Striving to live in harmony with others speaks volumes about “who” & “what” you’re really living for!

    Is anybody thirsty? Man, after that awesome worship we just had, I’m thirsty! Do you guys mind if I drink this Diet Coke while I preach? You know what—We’re family! I’ve got a few extra Cokes and Diet Cokes with me today! Would anyone else like to have an ice-cold Coke while I preach! And more

  • 4. End In Mind (Covid And The Christian)

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2020

    Living with the end in mind leads to a fuller and holier life!

    As many of you know, we are in a series right now called COVID and the Christian. We’ve been spending much of our time together in the book of 1st Peter trying to biblically answer the question: How should we as Christians be living out our faith during this historic moment in history? • 1st Peter more

  • 5. Our Enemy (Covid And The Christian)

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2020

    Humility before God and toward others is the best offensive and defensive game plan in resisting the devil!

    COVID-19 has been front-page news for most of us for about 6 months! Now, the virus has been around a little longer than that, but for most of us, it was about 6 months ago (March) that it smacked us in the face, and life took a major shift! It was in March that everything was shutting down fast! more