Sermon Series
  • 1. Narnia: Through The Wardrobe

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Week 1 on the Chronicles of Narnia -- Through the Wardrobe focuses on the world beyond the one we can see and feel -- the realm of the Spirit.

    Today we exploring the connections between what has been called the greatest story ever told – the true story of Jesus Christ and His very real role in history – and one of the most enjoyable children’s stories ever written: “The Chronicles of Narnia”. There really is a connection between these more

  • 2. Narnia: Feeling The Icy Brip Of Evil

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Today we look at how C.S. Lewis used the symbols of evil -- Turkish Delight and the White Witch to remind us that evil is indeed real...

    Feeling the Icy Grip of Evil CrossRoads Community Church Glenn H. Teal, Lead Pastor Sunday December 11, 2005 Why would anyone write a classic children’s fantasy tale and set the story in a lovely place called Narnia but then go and spoil it all by making it always winter there and never more

  • 3. (Narnia) Aslan: Tragedy Turns To Triumph

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Third in a series of three. This message brings the message of CHristmas and Narnia together for a conclusion focusing on Aslan the Roaring Lion.

    ASLAN: TURNING TRAGEDY TO TRUIMPH Eveyone here knows that line from Away in a Manger that says: The cattle are lowing the baby awakes but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. Personally I think that is one of the stupidest lines ever written. Why do so many people insist on taming Jesus? more