Sermon Series
  • 1. The Place Of Priority

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    There are a lot of things that can be idols for us, but only God satisfies. What does it take to put God first, in that place of priority in our lives?

    For those of you who have been following Canadian Idol, you’re not going to want to miss tomorrow night. Over the past three weeks we’ve seen the judges narrow the field of contestants from 13,000 all the way down to 143. And by the end of tomorrow’s show, we’ll be left with a mere 30 hopefuls to more

  • 2. Balancing Career And Family With Faith

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Our career and our families are two potential idols in our lives. But faith helps keep them in proper perspective and enables you to find a balance.

    Last week we started our series on Canadian Idols. We explained that idols are anything in our lives that take the place of God. God alone deserves and belongs in the place of priority in our lives, and when anything or anyone pushes Him aside, that becomes an idol for us. Historically, people more

  • 3. The Idol Of Self

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God alone deserves the place of priority in our lives. And that means we can’t even put ourselves before Him. He has the place of priority. He comes first. This message talks about what it means to put God before ourselves.

    Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been going through our Canadian Idols series of messages. The first week we talked about what an idol is: it’s anything or anyone that takes the place of God in our lives. It’s whatever we place in that place of priority in our lives which pushes God aside. We more

  • 4. The Almighty Dollar

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    Five misconceptions about what money will bring to our lives, and five facts to keep money in perspective.

    Play Song – Enjoy Yourself by Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think) Words & Music by Carl Sigman & Herb Magidson Recorded by Guy Lombardo, 1950 You work and work for years and years, you’re always on the go; You never take a minute off, too more

  • 5. The Audience Of One

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    What does it mean to put God first? How do we stop performing for others who may be watching and perform solely for Him?

    This is our fifth and final week in our series on Canadian Idols. Of course, you’ve got to wait until September 16 for the finale on CTV, but this is it for us. Over the past several weeks we’ve talked about a variety of things which can become idols for us… things which vie for our attention more