Sermon Series
  • 1. Ownership Vs. Possession

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    Ownership & Possession are not the same thing? It is said that possession is 9/10ths of the law. You may have a legal right, but if you don’t possess it you aren’t enjoying it! Do you possess what you have a legal right to in the Word?

    Ownership & Possession Mark 11:24 24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive (to take) them, and ye shall have them. (KJV) Just because God gives you something is no sign that you will enjoy it! This morning: Ownership & more

  • 2. Believing I Can Receive

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 16 ratings

    We must know that we know we can prossess what God has promised and we must prepare ourselves to receive what we are believing for.

    Breakthrough 2: Believing I Can Receive! >Start with a confession of faith >Purpose is to possess what we continually claim that we have legal right to. >Two focal points of this breakthrough 1. We must know that we know we can possess 2. We must prepare ourselves >Today is a more

  • 3. Bad Decisions Can't Stop You

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    Made bad decisions in your life? With God’s plan of redemption it does not matter what your past is, God can restore and bless your future.

    Breakthrough III - Bad Decision’s Can’t Stop You 1. Confession of Faith: “I am a possessor of the promises of God. 1A. Don’t look at other’s or be discouraged if others don’t act. Don’t look at how many shows up for church. Know that God’s promises to you are true. 2. more

  • 4. Taking Risk On The Front Lines

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    To posess the promises of God you will have to put complete confidence in God for deliverance not matter what enemy appears to be in front of you.

    Breakthrough 4: Taking Risks on the Front Line 1. Confession of Faith 2. Review (build enthusiasm for each): A. Ownership -vs- Possession B. God loved you so much He sent Jesus so that you might have C. Turn to God and not away from God - we’ve all fallen short of the more

  • 5. A Divine Appointment With Breakthrough

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    The Word has prophetically spoken of the church as a glorious place seen and read of all men. There is a "witness" that God wants His church to experience

    Divine Appointment With Breakthrough >Confession of Faith God has prophesied that in the last days we will see an inversion of the church. >An oppressed church - an ineffective church will transform into glorious, powerful church. >I have quoted Malachi several times which states more