Sermon Series
  • 1. A Single New Humanity

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We look back at what life was like before Christ. Then we look at what Christ has achieved. Then we look forward to our future united in Christ.

    One of the things we love to do is to remember the past. We keep journals and photo albums, we tell stories and reminisce, all to preserve our memories. On the other hand there are some memories that we don’t want to remember. Memories of past hurts, of things we’ve done that we’re ashamed of. Some more

  • 2. Paul's Prayer For His Converts

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009

    Paul reminds his converts that the mystery of God, that we’re to show God’s glory through our unity under Christ has been revealed in the gospel, then prays that the power of God might be given to the church so they can achieve that end.

    Have you noticed how the more you want something the more likely you are to pray for it? And to pray for it consistently. That means if you want to know what someone is really passionate about see what they pray for regularly. Well Paul is about to let us in on the great desire of his heart. He’s more

  • 3. A New Set Of Clothes

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009

    With privilege always comes responsibility. God has reconciled us to himself, our responsibility now is to live as God’s children.

    If you haven’t been here for the full six weeks of sermons on Ephesians, you missed out on a lot, But we don’t want you to miss out so let me fill you in on the story so far. We’ve been discovering the amazing secrets of God’s plan, prepared before the beginning of time, brought to fulfilment more

  • 4. Be Strong In The Lord & In His Mighty Power

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    never take for granted the victory over sin that Christ has won for us. Never underestimate the devil. He’ll oppose us at every opportunity. Never give up in the fight against sin and evil. But always remember the power of God and the armour with which he

    Do you remember when we looked at Paul’s prayer in Eph 3 that I commented how difficult it is to achieve the sort of unity that God wants from his church. In fact I pointed out that that’s why Paul prays the way he does: because only by God’s power can this miracle come about. Paul knows that apart more