Biblical Instruction For End Time Living
Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Mar 3, 2021 (message contributor)
1. Biblical Instruction For End Time Living: The Example Of Noah
Contributed on Mar 3, 2021
If I believe in my heart that Jesus’ return is real soon, then I have an obligation as your pastor to instruct you as to how the Bible says we should live as we approach the end
Introduction I don’t think I am wrong when I say that this generation has moved further away from God than other generation in modern history. And because of that my view regarding the timing of the end times has changed. When I first got here at Bala Chitto in 1994, I believed with all my heart ...read more
2. Biblical Instruction For End Time Living: The Example Of Enoch
Contributed on Mar 10, 2021
It is imperative we need to know how-to live-in light of the second end time.
Introduction: Lat week we began a new series entitled: Biblical Instruction for End Time Living. And in that first sermon, we talked about how the Bible tells us about two end times: the days of Noah and the days of the coming of the Son of Man. Noah’s end time occurred by flood; and the second ...read more
3. End Time Christians Must Hunger For God's Word
Contributed on Mar 17, 2021
And to be honest, I have heard preachers throw around the term “we must have a hunger for God’s Word”. But what does that really mean?
Introduction The Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God; the Bible tells us that Noah walked with God. These walks with God were more God talks- where God talked to them, and these men took to heart what God was telling them. We know that to be the case because Enoch as result of those walks ...read more
4. End Time Christians Live With An Expectancy Of What Is To Come
Contributed on Mar 25, 2021
Enoch and Noah lived with an expectancy of what is to come during the end time by the great flood. We who are awaiting the second end time need to live with the same expectancy.
Series: End Time Christians Live with an Expectancy of What is To Come Dave Hartson / End Times Biblical Instruction for End Time Living Introduction Over the past several weeks, we have been looking at two men, Enoch and Noah, who lived on the other side of the cross and before the end would ...read more