Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus The Master

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus invites us to follow Him - to apprentice under him as the Master.

    Apprenticing under the Master June 26, 2005 Mark 1:1-20 Jesus the Master Early on in the second session of God at the pub, we had the talk on “Why did Jesus Die?” Almost everyone in my small group was able to see Jesus as a great model for life, someone that they would like to follow, more

  • 2. Jesus' True Family

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    It is our actions that prove our faith

    Apprenticing Under The Master August 7, 2005 Mark 3:7- 35 (20-35) Jesus’ True Family In between university and seminary I built houses (for three days until I got a better paying job at a steel mill) I was hired on as an unskilled labourer, but I felt like I was apprenticing for those more

  • 3. Jesus And The Storm

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    God uses the storms of our lives to shape us to be more like Christ

    Apprenticing under the Master Mark 4:35-41 September 11, 2005 Jesus and the Storm When you were trained for your job, did your trainer ever give you a task that was too big for you to see how you did? This is what Jesus does here with his disciples Jesus Calms the Storm That more

  • 4. Engaging The Enemy

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Spiritual warfare Jesus’ way.

    Apprenticing Under the Master Mark 5:1-20 September 25, 2005 Engaging the Enemy The reality of the enemy When we read stories like this one, some of our minds may do a little shift. We shift from taking the Bible at its word, trusting that Jesus said the things the Bible says he said, more

  • 5. Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2005
    based on 68 ratings

    Even in rejection, greif and exhaustion, Jesus gives thanks for meager resources

    Apprenticing under the Master Thanksgiving Sunday 2005 Mark 6:30-44 The Feeding of the Five Thousand In the beginning of the chapter, Jesus goes back to his hometown, and the people he grew up with rejected him and his ministry – it says he was amazed at their lack of faith. After they more

  • 6. Inside Out

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2006
    based on 37 ratings

    God is more interested in who we are than how we look.

    Apprenticing Under the Master January 29, 2006 Mark 7:1-7 (Matthew 15:1-20) Inside Out How do you judge your spiritual health? When I was Pastor of Parkdale Neighbourhood Church, we had a woman that was always questioning here relationship with God. She struggled with mental illness, more

  • 7. The Transfiguration - No One Except Jesus

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    Anniversary Sunday. There is much to be honoured in our past, but we must always keep our eyes on Jesus.

    Apprenticing Under The Master (for 95 years! – Anniversary Sunday) February 12, 2006 Mark 9:2-13 The Transfiguration – “No One Except Jesus” 95 Years! Wow! This church began as a prayer meeting in a house on Ellis Ave in 1908. On February 12th in 1911 Swansea Baptist Church had its more

  • 8. The Greatest Commandments

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Love God and love your neighbour, and you’ll likely get the rest right too.

    Mark 12:28-34 March 5, 2006 (first of Lent) The Greatest Commandments Apprenticing Under the Master Through Lent, we are going to conclude the series in Mark that I’ve titled “Apprenticing Under the Master.” We’ve tried to look at Jesus’ life like an apprentice would look at the work more

  • 9. Extravagant Love

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    An example of Extravagant worship in spirit and in truth

    Apprenticing Under the Master March 26, 2006 Extravagant Love for Jesus Mark 14:1-11 Kevin putting up sign for Faith Have you ever done something extravagant for love? Jesus tells the woman at the well that “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in more