Sermon Series
  • American Idols: Looking At Ourselves And Our Loyalties Through The Eyes Of

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Oct 4, 2009 (message contributor)

    based on 3 ratings    (rate this series)
  • 1. The Idol Of Superiority: Ephesus

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2009

    God’s greatest commandments are loved-based and reveal His priority on relationships.

    AMERICAN IDOLS: LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OUR LOYALTIES THROUGH THE EYES OF JESUS THE IDOL OF SUPERIORITY: EPHESUS REVELATION 2:1-7 Sermon Objective: God’s greatest commandments are loved-based and reveal His priority on relationships. Supporting Scripture: Mark 12:29-31, John 13:34-35; more

  • 2. The Idol Of Consumerism: Smyrna

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The church of Smyrna receives Jesus’ unconditional applause because they made hard choices relating to faith-full-ness rather than opting for a more convenient faith.

    AMERICAN IDOLS: LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OUR LOYALTIES THROUGH THE EYES OF JESUS THE IDOL OF CONSUMERISM: SMYRNA REVELATION 2:8-11 Sermon Objective: The church of Smyrna receives Jesus’ unconditional applause because they made hard choices relating to faith-full-ness rather than shop for a more

  • 3. The Idol Of Laissez Faire: Pergamum

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2009

    The Pergamum church was accommodating those within its body that taught doctrines and lived lives which offended God; their open-minded, laissez-faire attitude was a cancer on the church.

    AMERICAN IDOLS: LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OUR LOYALTIES THROUGH THE EYES OF JESUS THE IDOL OF LAISSEZ FAIRE: PERGAMUM REVELATION 2:12-17 Sermon Objective: The Pergamum church was accommodating those within its body that taught doctrines and lived lives which offended God. Their open-minded, more

  • 4. The Idol Of Tolerance: Thyatira

    Contributed on Nov 16, 2009

    We will seek to address the question: “how is a congregation to express and practice its faith in the midst of the genuine cultural challenges that it faces?”

    American Idols: Looking at Ourselves and Our Loyalties Through the Eyes of Jesus** The Idol of Tolerance: Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29 Sermon Objective: We will seek to address the question: “how is a congregation to express and practice its faith in the midst of the genuine cultural more

  • 5. The Idol Of Stoicism: Philadelphia

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2010

    The Church has two options: it can be proactive and walk through the doors that are opened to it or it can wait passively and watch opportunities to come and go

    AMERICAN IDOLS: LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OUR LOYALTIES THROUGH THE EYES OF JESUS THE FIRST SUNDAY OF THE NEW YEAR THE IDOL OF STOICISM: PHILADELPHIA REVELATION 3:7-13 Sermon Objective: The Church has two options: it can be proactive and walk through the doors that are opened to it or it more