Sermon Series
  • 1. Amazed

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We all become what we are amazed by. As believers, let's rally around Jesus and become so amazed by Him, that we can not help but become like Him.

    Amazed: Part 1 Preached by Jimmy Seibert 8/24/2014 Well it is so great to have you guys here Antioch Family and especially I know there’s many new people here this morning. I am Jimmy Seibert and my wife and I, Laura, and our four kiddos and a group of friends started Antioch fifteen more

  • 2. Amazed By Him

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We become what we behold. As believers, let's make it our aim to behold the person of Jesus that we may become like Him.

    Amazed Part 2: Amazed by Him Preached by Jimmy Seibert August 31, 2014 I love this time of year [when Baylor students return to Waco], because it reminds me of my own college days, coming to college and all the excitement, and all the life change that happens. But I wanted to take more

  • 3. Spirit And Truth

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2015

    We become what we behold. As we behold Jesus and His glory, we need to equally revere the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Both are worthy, both are right, and both are vitally needed.

    Alrighty, well we’re going to continue our series we’re calling “Amazed.” Amazed at the words of Jesus. One of the encounters that I had where I was amazed at Jesus and His words was when we were in Amsterdam in the early 1990s and we were there doing outreaches in more

  • 4. Obedience

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We become what we behold. As we behold Jesus, our love for Him increases. With an increase in love comes an increased desire to obey. We find His promises and abundant life for us as we obey and walk closely with Jesus each day.

    Amazed: Obedience Well, we’re going to continue on our series called Amazed, today, and today’s title is called, “Amazed at Obedience.” Didn’t get any “amens” – I mean come on now. Amazed at obedience, because it is a joy. I want to start by more