Sermon Series
  • 1. Full Term Faith

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011

    Each of us has been given the seed of faith as well. When God first became real to you, you had from that point on the same privilege and responsibility to bring the miracle of Christ in you to full term fruition. Christ died and rose again not that you w

    Myah Hope was given the news that she was pregnant. Like most mothers to be, she dreamed of what giving birth to a child and raising them would be like. But when she was 19 weeks pregnant, she was told that something was wrong with her baby's head. The doctor said that she had no brain. She was more

  • 2. Love

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011

    With humanity so confused about love, who is to say what love is?

The answer is God! 
It has accurately been said that "love does not define God, but God defines love." So it is important that we dig a little deeper into this passage to

    God Is Love

 1 John 4:7-21 For many, the Christmas season is a period of dread. The days are getting shorter, decorations need to be hung, parties attended or prepared for, homes cleaned, shopping to be done and presents to be wrapped. All this under the countdown of the clock more

  • 3. To Remember The Poor

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011

    All throughout scripture, we see the priority God has with the poor. We are called to participate in that inititative

    To Remember the Poor Luke 1:46-55 Somehow this is what we've turned Christmas into. When did Christmas become all about us? The Madison Avenue version of Christmas with the angels, glitter and gold, and cheap plastic Santas and snowmen and Christmas more

  • 4. To Welcome The Child

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011

    This sermon looks at how Mary and Joseph welcomed the Christ child into their lives and the implications for our lives and our Christmas

    To Welcome the Child Luke 2:21-40 Norman Vincent Peale writes of spending Christmas in Africa with his wife, children and grandchildren. He was hesitant but his wife told him he would love every minute of it. And yet, as Christmas day approached he was troubled because everything Christmas was more

  • 5. An Unconventional Birth Day

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011

    There was another unconventional birth 2000 years ago. In stark contrast to the intensely glittered and gold portrayal through which many of us look at Christmas today, Jesus ended up being born in a cave that served as a stable because there was no room

    Following the Leading of the Spirit Acts 8:26-40 - Have you ever felt that you failed as a witness for Christ? Ever felt that God was calling you to do something but you chose to not listen to His voice? - This morning, let us discuss the importance of following the Spirit of God - Let us more