Sermon Series
  • 1. A Flourishing Faith

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    An introduction to the letter of 2 Thessalonians. This message gives background to the writing of 2 Thessalonians that provides better understanding the reason for the book concerning the Second Return of Christ.

    2 THESSALONIANS 1: 1-3 A FLOURISHING FAITH [INTRODUCTION] Today we begin the second letter to the Thessalonians. This letter was written just months after the first letter. In that letter Paul wrote about Jesus’ return to encourage them and to answer two questions about it. 1st, more

  • 2. The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 18 ratings

    Paul wrote this section to clarify what would precede the Day of the Lord. Several events must occur before the Great Tribulation will arrive.

    2 THESSALONIANS 2: 1-5 THE DAY OF THE LORD [1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11] This section contains truths found nowhere else in the Bible. It is key to understanding future events and it is central to the letter. The church at Thessalonica found itself, much as we are at times, in a state of more

  • 3. Love God’s Truth

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2012
    based on 19 ratings

    The Apostle Paul continues his comfort and correction by giving more information concerning the Day of the Lord. 1st, there will be the apostasy. 2nd, the Antichrist (vv. 3-4, 8) will be revealed. Here a 3rd mportant event is referenced that must also occ

    2 THESSALONIANS 2: 6-12 LOVE GOD’S TRUTH The Apostle Paul continues his comfort and correction by giving more information concerning the Day of the Lord, specifically about the Man of Lawlessness. Some among the Thessalonian believers were discouraged. They were disturbed because of more

  • 4. A People Of Truth

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    This section forms a transition between the teaching on the Day of the Lord & exhortations for present living. In contrast to those who believe Satan’s lies, here are those who believe the truth of God. In this section there are three life impacts that co

    [ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE FUTURE Series] 2 THESSALONIANS 2: 13-17 A PEOPLE OF TRUTH This section forms a transition between Paul’s teaching on the Day of the Lord (2:1-12) and his exhortations for present living in view of that day which follow (3:1-15). Right here the Holy Spirit more

  • 5. Directable Hearts

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2012
    based on 18 ratings

    Strengthen in and through God’s faithfulness we become able to direct our inner man, our hearts into the love of God and into the perseverance that comes from Christ. It is the directed heart that dwells in the love of God and in the endurance of Christ.

    [ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE FUTURE SERIES] 2 THESSALONIANS 3: 1-5 DIRECTABLE HEARTS [Acts 17:5-9] This last major section of the epistle calls on its readers to live in the light of the truth of God’s Word. If we believe the truth it will change our lives so that we can live out the more