Sermon Series
  • 1. Standing On The Promises

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2022

    In 2 Samuel 5-7 David stands on God’s promise to him. It is God’s covenant to David. The promise is that his decedents will reign on the throne of Israel forever. Yet this promise goes beyond David and his family and the King of Israel. It is the promise of the coming Messiah.

    When God makes you a promise you can stand on that promise The Hymn says it well: Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God, I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. That hymn has brought great comfort to many more

  • 2. Responding To God’s Promises

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Think back to the last time you had an “unanswered prayer.” How did you respond before God? Augustine’s mother may have been angry with God that her son went to Rome after she prayed he not go. For us, next time, let us remember David’s response.

    Augustine in his confession, writes about as a young man he was intending to travel to Rome. His mother was against it and prayed against it. She prayed earnestly that he might be prevented from going. Her reason being that she feared what effect the temptation of sin in the depravity of that big more

  • 3. Showing God’s Kindness

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2022

    David knew God’s kindness. He was not undisputed king because he deserved it, but because he of God’s kindness. What better way to respond to God’s kindness to him by showing another kindness. Mephibosheth once lived in favor in the royal family.

    The most famous story of the life of King David is the David and Goliath story. Almost every Sunday school child could tell you that story. But what about David and Mephibosheth? It is not so well known. For one thing it is easier to stay Goliath than it is Mephibosheth. Just try to say more

  • 4. When Scars Remain

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2022

    David set in motion many troubles from his sin with Bathsheba. He is forgiven, but the consequences of sin play out. Not all problems are a result of sin and we don’t usually see such a one to one correlation between our past sin and our problems but it is explicitly clear in King David’s case.

    Fairytales are so uplifting. Prince charming rescues the princes and of course they live happily ever after. A lot of traumatic things happened to the princes before prince charming rescued her. The fairytale ending whitewashes the harsh reality of the remaining scars. Everyone has struggles. Yes, more

  • 5. King David’s Theme Song

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We will look at King David’s Theme song. This song has extremely high praise of God and is filled with metaphors. Some of the metaphors describe God as, a Rock, a Fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, salvation, strength and lamp.

    You probably can sing a television theme song, and someone could name that tune right away. The theme song identifies the show. Even when the older shows are gone their theme song live on. If any of us sang Gilligan’s Island or Beverly Hillbillies, then the rest of us could sing along. Do you more

  • 6. When Your Sin Finds You Out

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2022

    David could not hide his sin from the very one who he ultimately sinned against, God. God knows your every move, your every thought, and your every motive.

    Thomas Cromwell was having a portrait painted. He said, “paint me as I am leave out not a scar or a blemish.” There is a Wikipedia article on the portrait of Thomas Cromwell. The article says that Cromwell’s portrait is the least flattering portrait the artist ever painted. For centuries a more