Sermon Series

Bridge Builders

4-Week Sermon Series

Preach this 4-week series and watch your church become passionate about mending relationships and building bridges.

We are the Peacemakers

Bridge Builders is a 4-week sermon series to help your congregation develop relationships with others that span the differences. Our culture builds vast chasms of bitterness and hurt between people, groups, families, and churches. But Jesus shows us how to live as peacemakers in a world of conflict

This sermon series kit includes:

  • 4 Customizable Sermons
  • 8 Sermon Videos, Motions, and Countdowns
  • 5 Promotional Images for Social Media
  • Promotional Video (Share it on Facebook)
  • Presentation Slide Deck
  • Sermon Series Planning Guide (Download Free Sample)
Title Scripture Preview
Week 1: Forgiveness Colossians 3:13-14, Ephesians 4:32 Download Sermon Preview
Week 2: Reach Out Your Hand Luke 10:25-37
Week 3: He Threw A Party Luke 15:11-32
Week 4: Breaking Barriers Ephesians 2:11-18

It all Comes Back to Jesus

Rather than leaning into the tension, we can become bridge builders. We can be the kind of people who love others because of our connection with Jesus Christ.

Unlock all series with PRO Premium.

Build Healthier Relationships

Help your congregation invite their friends and neighbors to be a part of this life-changing series. Share these social media graphics on Facebook, Instagram, or even through email or SMS text.