Love Has A Name: Sermon Series Kit Downloads
Video Illustrations
Week 1 Bumper Video
Produced by SermonCentral
Use this short bumper video to help introduce your Week 1 Sermon.
Week 2 Bumper Video
Produced by SermonCentral
Use this short bumper video to help introduce your Week 1 Sermon.
Week 3 Bumper Video
Produced by SermonCentral
Use this short bumper video to help introduce your Week 3 Sermon.
Social Promo Video
Produced by SermonCentral
The Social Promo Video can be a great way to promote your sermon series on your social media channels.
Social Graphics
Social Graphic 1
Produced by SermonCentral
When we put a name with a face they're no longer just a face in the crowd -- They're human.
Social Graphic 2
Produced by SermonCentral
Loving people sounds easy until we get to the loving people part.
Social Graphic 3
Produced by SermonCentral
Its the way Jesus loves people that makes Him so different -- At least, so different from me.
Countdown Videos
Countdown Video
Produced by SermonCentral
Use this 5-minute countdown timer to help signal the start of service.
Preaching Slides
Powerpoint Template
Produced by SermonCentral
Use this PowerPoint template to help guide and illustrate your sermon.