
Expository Sermon Calendar

Your roadmap for expository preaching. This expository calendar helps you preach verse-by-verse weekly sermons with confidence. Teach the whole counsel of God using our customizable sermon manuscripts and done-for-you media. Get unlimited access with PRO Premium

Jan 29 - Apr 07
February 2024



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 1: (February 04 - March 31)

God Has a Name

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 2: (February 04 - March 31)

Who is Jesus?

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 3: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the Bread

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 4: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the Light

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.

March 2024



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 5: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the door

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 6: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the good shepherd

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 7: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the resurrection and the life

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 8: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the way, the truth, and the life

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.



What's In a Name Thumbnail

Week 9: (February 04 - March 31)

I am the true vine

Sermon Series Kit: What's In a Name

Preach this 9-week sermon series from the book of John leading up to Easter and help connect your people with the genuine Christ of the gospels.

April 2024



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Week 1: (April 07 - May 05)

What's My Purpose?

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.