
Expository Sermon Calendar

Your roadmap for expository preaching. This expository calendar helps you preach verse-by-verse weekly sermons with confidence. Teach the whole counsel of God using our customizable sermon manuscripts and done-for-you media. Get unlimited access with PRO Premium

Mar 19 - Jun 18
March 2023



The Path: A Study in Proverbs Thumbnail

Week 4: (February 26 - April 02)

Getting Help Along the Way [Proverbs 15:22]

Sermon Series Kit: The Path: A Study in Proverbs

God gives us the wisdom we need for the journey ahead through the infallible Word of God. Preach this 6-week series for incredible insight into the principles that will keep our head, our heart, and our life on the right track.



The Path: A Study in Proverbs Thumbnail

Week 5: (February 26 - April 02)

Look Where You're Going [Proverbs 4:25-27]

Sermon Series Kit: The Path: A Study in Proverbs

God gives us the wisdom we need for the journey ahead through the infallible Word of God. Preach this 6-week series for incredible insight into the principles that will keep our head, our heart, and our life on the right track.

April 2023



The Path: A Study in Proverbs Thumbnail

Week 6: (February 26 - April 02)

Unreachable Destinations [Proverbs 13:12]

Sermon Series Kit: The Path: A Study in Proverbs

God gives us the wisdom we need for the journey ahead through the infallible Word of God. Preach this 6-week series for incredible insight into the principles that will keep our head, our heart, and our life on the right track.



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It's Not Over Till It's Over [John 19:28-39]

Sermon Series Kit: The Greatest Comeback

Bring the powerful Easter story to your church: No matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope. Nothing is over until Jesus says it's over when we allow his resurrection to change our lives!



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Week 1: (April 16 - May 14)

What's My Purpose? [Luke 14:1-24]

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.



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Week 2: (April 16 - May 14)

What Matters to God? [Luke 15:1-11]

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.



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Week 3: (April 16 - May 14)

Measuring Your Worth in God's Eyes [Luke 15:11-31]

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.

May 2023



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Week 4: (April 16 - May 14)

Invest Your One and Only Life [Luke 16:1-13]

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.



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Week 5: (April 16 - May 14)

The Life to Come [Luke 16:19-31]

Sermon Series Kit: Created for Significance

Dive into the radically-controversial parables of Jesus from Luke 14-16. Watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.

June 2023



The Way Thumbnail

Week 1: (June 18 - July 09)

A New Way [Matthew 5:1-12]

Sermon Series Kit: The Way

The beatitudes of Jesus are a powerful reminder that the blessings of the Kingdom are not just for those with the power or position, but they are available for the meek, the broken-hearted, the gentle, the persecuted, the forgotten ... they are available for all of us, because all of us need Jesus. Preach this sermon from Matthew 5:1-12 and show your people how Jesus makes a new way for all to be saved and to experience the blessings of God.