
2025 Liturgical Calendar

Enhance your 2025 preaching schedule with a comprehensive 52-week plan that aligns with the liturgical calendar, providing sermon manuscripts, outlines, and accompanying church media for each Sunday. Make your preaching resonate with the themes and readings designated for each week, fostering a cohesive worship experience. Get unlimited access with PRO Premium

Mar 03 - Apr 27
March 2025



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SEASON OF LENT: Ash Wednesday

Saved from Shallow Religion (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)

Premium Sermon Kit: Saved from Shallow Religion

This Ash Wednesday, God is building in us a solid core of self-giving love that is not addicted to the approval of others. Preach this sermon from Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 and help your people break free from shallow, external religion.



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SEASON OF LENT: First Sunday in Lent

Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.



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SEASON OF LENT: Second Sunday in Lent

Humility (John 13:1-11)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.



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SEASON OF LENT: Third Sunday in Lent

Contemplation (James 4:8)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.



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SEASON OF LENT: Fourth Sunday in Lent

Confession (Joel 2:12-13)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.

April 2025



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SEASON OF LENT: Fifth Sunday in Lent

Sacrifice (Hebrews 9:11-14)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.



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SEASON OF LENT: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Resurrection (John 11:25-26)

Sermon Series Kit: From The Ashes

Jesus repairs our brokenness and raises us from the ashes. This Lenten season, preach a 6-week series all about embracing life in Christ. Get everything you need to plan and host a powerful 6-week sermon series.



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HOLY WEEK: Good Friday

Head Held High

Sermon Series Kit: Come Alive

Come Alive: Head Held High Good Friday (Sermon)



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EASTER SEASON: Easter Sunday

The Greatest Comeback

Sermon Series Kit: The Greatest Comeback

This year bring the powerful Easter story to your church and community and share with them that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope. Nothing is over until Jesus says it’s over when we allow his resurrection to change our lives!



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EASTER SEASON: Second Sunday of Easter

Do You Love Me? (John 18:15-17, 25-27; 21:1-9, 15-19)

Sermon Series Kit: Resurrecting Hope

Easter season is a reminder that we live with power to overcome any challenge. Preach this series and encourage your congregation with the power of the resurrection.