
2024 Lectionary Calendar (Year B)

This Lectionary Preaching Calendar is a 52-week preaching plan for your church. Find full sermon kits for Gospel readings from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). This version of the Lectionary Preaching Calendar follows Year B of the RCL. Get unlimited access with PRO Premium

Feb 11 - Apr 07
February 2024



The Living Word of God Thumbnail


The Living Word of God (Mark 9:2-9)

Premium Sermon Kit: The Living Word of God

Preach this sermon from Mark 9:2-9 and help your church grasp the fullness of His divine nature and majesty.



Ashes to Ashes: Dust to Dust Thumbnail

Ashes to Ashes: Dust to Dust

Premium Sermon Kit: Ashes to Ashes: Dust to Dust

Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance, a time to reflect, repent, and pray as we look ahead to the finished work of the cross as celebrated on resurrection Sunday.



The Righteous for the Unrighteous Thumbnail

The Righteous for the Unrighteous (1 Peter 3:18-22)

Premium Sermon Kit: The Righteous for the Unrighteous

Preach this sermon from 1 Peter 3:18-22 and inspire your congregation with the transformative power of Christ's redemption.



The Way of the Cross Thumbnail

The Way of the Cross (Mark 8:31-38)

Premium Sermon Kit: The Way of the Cross

Through the teachings of Mark 8:31-38, demonstrate the transformative power of sacrifice, self-denial, and carrying our own cross.

March 2024



Jesus the Disruptor Thumbnail

Jesus the Disruptor

Premium Sermon Kit: Jesus the Disruptor

Preach this sermon from John 2:13-22 and help your church understand the transformative power of Jesus as a disrupter.



Don't Be Afraid of the Light Thumbnail

Don't Be Afraid of the Light

Premium Sermon Kit: Don't Be Afraid of the Light

Preach this sermon from John 3:14-21, Numbers 21:4-9, Colossians 1:13 and help your church understand the power and comfort in God's illuminating truth.



He Suffers With Us Thumbnail

He Suffers With Us

Premium Sermon Kit: He Suffers With Us

From the message of John 12:20-33, teach on how Christ's suffering mirrors our own, reinforcing our connection with Him and His enduring love for us.



The Surprising Kingdom Thumbnail

The Surprising Kingdom

Premium Sermon Kit: The Surprising Kingdom

This Palm Sunday, preach the teachings of Jesus from Luke 19:28-44 and Matthew 5-7 and enlighten your congregation on the surprising nature of the Kingdom of God.



Easter Changes Everything Thumbnail

Easter Changes Everything

Premium Sermon Kit: Easter Changes Everything

Preach this sermon from Luke 24:1-12; Ephesians 3:16-19; Romans 1:16, and let your congregation witness how Easter changes everything through the resurrection of Christ.

April 2024



When We Are One Thumbnail

When We Are One (Psalm 133)

Premium Sermon Kit: When We Are One

Preach this sermon from Psalm 133 and inspire your congregation to live and work together in harmony, reflecting the oneness of the body of Christ.