Contributed by Scott Bayles on Jun 22, 2009
The Statue of Liberty stands across from the Island of Manhattan in New York. Soldiers, on their return from overseas, often speak in awe of the feelings they had as they sailed into the harbor and viewed the "Torch of Freedom" in Lady Liberty’s hand.
To the Christian, more
Christian Church
Contributed by Chris Hughes on Aug 13, 2004
The Statue of Liberty was concieved by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi to ommemorate America’s 100th birthday
It was a Joint effort between France & US France – Statue; The United States had the responsibility for raising the money to build the base and France raised the money for the actual more
Contributed by Ray Searan on Feb 21, 2007
The statue of Liberty was built in the late 1800’s. The craftsmen who worked on it paid as much attention to the details on the top of the stature as they did to the rest of the statue though at that time there was no way for anyone to ever notice it; no planes flew at that time, no high rises, more
Assembly Of God
Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jul 14, 2003
There was a statue of Jesus, arms extended, at the cross-roads in the French countryside [Knight’s Treasury of 2000 Illustrations, p 440]. A fierce battle occurred there during WWI. The hands of the statue were blown away in the fighting. Afterwards, someone placed a plaque on the pedestal: more
Contributed by David Butcher on Nov 12, 2006
The status of good credentials can be seen in many different ways, being able to flash the ‘Gold Card’ was at one time good. Now the banks have Platinum Cards and no doubt someone will come up with more
Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jul 6, 2010
A man purchased a statue of Christ and placed it on his desk in his den. A few days later his wife moved the statue to a table in the living room. Their five-year-old daughter, noticing the change of location, asked “Where are you going to put God?” Now more
Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 9, 2008
Years ago, a large statue of Christ was erected high in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile. Called "Christ of the Andes," the statue symbolizes a pledge between the two countries that as long as the statue stands, there will be peace between Chile and Argentina. Shortly after the more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 10, 2006
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Marital Status of Americans according to Gallup poll:
· 51% of U.S. adults 18 and over are married.
· 14% are separated or divorced.
· 18% have never been married.
· 5% of households with incomes of $50K or more say they are currently separated or divorced.
· 38% with incomes under $20K are more