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In Sermon Illustrations: "Ralph Waldo Emerson"

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  • Royt Blount, Quoted By Karin Winegar In ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2005

    Royt Blount, quoted by Karin Winegar in Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune When Ralph Houk was manager of the New York Yankees, baseball schedules were even more exacting than they are now, with double-headers almost every week. Occasionally a player would get sick of the grind and approach Houk, more

  • How Sin Can Capture You

    Contributed by John Phillip R. Pesebre on Jun 4, 2012

    HOW SIN CAN CAPTURE YOU Dr. Ralph Sockman writes about an experience he had while standing on the edge of Niagra Falls one clear, cold March day. Wrapped in white winter garments, the falls glistened in the bright sun. As some birds swooped down to snatch a drink from the clear water, Sockman's more

  • In The Early Days Of The Southern Confederacy, ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2001
    based on 4 ratings

    In the early days of the Southern Confederacy, General Robert E. Lee was severely criticized by General Whiting. It might have been expected that Lee would wait for a time when he could get even with Whiting. A day came when president Jefferson Davis asked General Lee to come for consultation. The more

  • Trivial Pursuit Board ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 1, 2010

    Trivial Pursuit Board Game - Created 1979 is a game in which progress is determined by a player’s ability to answer general knowledge and popular culture questions - The object of the game was to answer a correct question in each of 6 categories such as Geography, Sports and Leisure, History, and more

  • We Sing When We Face ...

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Jan 11, 2010

    We sing when we face death. Lavena (Beanie) Peters was dying of liver cancer. I was at the hospital with her family, essentially on a deathwatch. Beanie’s pain was excruciating, and the pain medicine kept her in a nearly unconscious state. Others left the room for a moment; only Harriet her more

  • Letters To The Pastor From Kids

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Apr 18, 2017

    LETTERS TO THE PASTOR FROM KIDS: Dear Pastor, I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my brother won’t be there. Stephen. Age 8 Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister. Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 7 Dear Pastor, I think a lot more more

  • Dale Carnegie In Yellowstone  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    DALE CARNEGIE IN YELLOWSTONE Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. This command is again repeated by Paul to the Colossians in 3:13, 13Bear with each other and forgive... The alternative to forgiveness is bitterness and more

  • Giving To Missions  PRO

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 26, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    GIVING TO MISSIONS Americans give $700 million per year to mission agencies. However, they pay as much for pet food every 52 days. A person must overeat by at least $1.50 worth of food per month to maintain one excess pound of flesh. Yet $1.50 per month is more than what 90 percent of all more

  • Preach Christ...?  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 30, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    PREACH CHRIST...? A middle-aged farmer wanted to be a preacher for years, but wasn't sure if it was God's will. One day, while he was working in the field, he decided to rest under a tree. As he looked up into the sky he saw that the clouds seemed to form into the letters P and C. As he thought more

  • A Light That Lasts

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 30, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    A LIGHT THAT LASTS Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb in 1879. Twenty-two years later, in 1901, one of the newfangled gadgets was hung and turned on in the Livermore, Calif., Fire Department. It’s still there, and still on. The old bulb has almost never been turned off in 109 years. more

  • Sing

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Apr 21, 2008

    SING Let me tell you about some dear friends of mine: "Punk" and "Beanie" Peters. Punk’s real name was Ralph; Beanie’s was Lavena. They were members of Driftwood Christian Church near Vallonia, Indiana. Beanie was a simple farm wife who had an unshakable faith. Dying of liver cancer, I was at the more

  • We Need Hope

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 31, 2008

    WE NEED HOPE Someone has said that if you could convince a man there was no hope, he would curse the day he was born. Hope is an indispensable quality of life. Dusk was falling on the Saturday before Christmas in 1927 the S-4 submarine (S-class submarines, were the first class of submarines built more

  • Preach The Word  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    PREACH THE WORD I am greatly diappointed in the preachers of today, With their logic and their ethics, their aristocratic way; With their science and their theories and their new theology, Full of everything but Jesus and His love for you and me. There is plenty in the Bible for preachers of more

  • The Birth Of The Poor People's Campaign

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Mar 22, 2011

    THE BIRTH OF THE POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN A visit to a fledgling Head Start program in Marks brought home the reality of rural poverty to Dr. King and Ralph Abernathy. "We looked around the primitive schoolhouse and saw them watching us, wide-eyed and silent, having been told who we were," Abernathy more

  • Children's Letters To The Pastor

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Dec 31, 2021

    Children’s letters to the Pastor Dear Pastor, I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my brother won't be there. Stephen. Age 8, Chicago Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister. Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8, Nashville. Dear Pastor, Please say more

  • He Chooses Whom He Will! (10.18.05--That ...

    Contributed by Mark Brunner on Oct 16, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    He Chooses Whom He Will! (10.18.05--That Person!--Judges 4:4ff) My first job out of college was a long time in coming. It was with a small publishing company that published inspirational magazines, greeting booklets and high quality cookbooks. I met my immediate supervisor at the receptionist more

  • A Man Sent A Letter To Ann Landers. He Wrote, ...  PRO

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Feb 20, 2001
    based on 86 ratings

    A man sent a letter to Ann Landers. He wrote, "This is for the woman who was distressed about her son. I would like to ask her some questions about the boy. Is he disrespectful? Has he been arrested for drunk driving? Has he been kicked out of college for cheating? Has he made his girl friend more

  • Charles Spurgeon And The Park Street Tabernacle- ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 10, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    Charles Spurgeon and the Park Street tabernacle- Why did it lose its influence? When Charles Haddon Spurgeon first went to Park Street church in London, he was nineteen years old. There he found a church with a seating capacity of fifteen hundred but with an attendance of under two hundred. Nine more

  • Revelation And Ovaltine

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Jun 27, 2009

    REVELATION AND OVALTINE The word often translated "revelation" or as I translated it, "unveiling," could also be understood as "decoding." Ever heard of those Ovaltine Decoder Rings in the '40s? Ovaltine drink advertisements used to have a coded message on them (as did some of the Ovaltine radio more

  • Hormone ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 10, 2009

    HORMONE HURRICANES Josh McDowell is one of christianity’s foremost experts on teenagers. His research shows that in evangelical church circles, 65% of teens have had some kind of sexual experience before the age of 18. 43% say they have actually gone all the way. He asked them where they learned more

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