Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jun 28, 2006
I am struck by an idea of G. K. Chesterton. We are unworthy to receive any gift at all from God, and we are unaware of our unworthiness until we realize that we are unworthy of even the gift of a dandelion. This weed we would like to remove from our yard grows naturally and completely more
Contributed by Tony Abram on Nov 18, 2006
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
1. He is not a way. HE IS THE WAY!
2. He is not a more
I am only vaguely aware of how God fits everything together. But, often looking back we see more clearly. I was searching through some old papers and came across a note from Sarah Hollis. Sarah was Carrie’s age (10) when we went to Jacksonville, Florida. She rode our van to church each week – more
United Methodist
Who am I no one. Take me out of the role of pastor and I am just another guy. I am 54 balding and gaining weight which describes a lot of men in this world. On my own I am a no buddy. But with Christ I am a pastor of a church. I have a voice to be invited to TV shows and I have your respect more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
Right now I am reading Dale Carnegie’s “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”. He has some good stuff. I typed up one of the pages and put it on my mirror. It’s called “Just for Today” it goes like this:
“Just for Today”
1. Just for today I will be happy. Happiness is within. Happiness is a more
Contributed by Victor Yap on Aug 29, 2002
based on 6 ratings
I am among the minority who had little interest in the original Star Wars movie but has a liking for the prequel story of Anakin Skywalker in Episode I and II. Anakin, who later evolved into the sinister Darth Vader, was a cute, helpful, and sacrificial 9-year-old boy in Episode I. In Episode II, more
Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 27, 2002
based on 4 ratings
One young man asked, "I am in earnest about forsaking ’the world’ and following Christ. But I am puzzled about worldly things. What is it I must forsake?” "Colored clothes, for one thing. Get rid of everything in your wardrobe that is not white. Stop sleeping on a soft pillow. Sell your musical more
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 12, 2004
I am quoting David Flusser’s book, Jewish Sources in Early Christianity (p.59). Though not an evangelical believer, Flusser writes:
“Since the age of the Hasmoneans, Jews had believed that the saints who died to sanctify the name of God atoned for the sins of Israel. The story of the mother and more
based on 6 ratings
I am going to paraphrase what Paul W. Powell, in The Complete Disciple, wrote as he described this condition: "Many churches today remind me of a group of farmers trying to gather in a harvest while they sit in the machine shed. They go to the machine shed every Sunday and they study bigger and more
Contributed by Thomas Black on Feb 2, 2005
based on 4 ratings
In his book, "Just As I Am", Billy Graham writes of the following event.
"One summer while in New Jersey, I was having lunch at a roadside diner when I was greeted by a big, smiling man whose eyes grew large as he studied me. "Hallelujah!" he shouted, grabbing and pumping my hand. "What an answer more
Contributed by Jason Duhon on Nov 5, 2007
based on 1 rating
As a young boy, I can remember AM radio, and how few stations we could receive back then. Tuning in usually required a good antenna, a good radio, and a steady hand. Our ears were anticipating the music, as we carefully turn the knob in hopes of a good reception.
When we await the voice of more
Contributed by Norayr Hajian on Mar 30, 2008
The fact is, I am very narrow-minded. Take for example the fact that I have only one wife. There are lots of men and women that I care about, there are lots of wonderful, godly women in this world, but there is only one woman whom I have devoted my life and my love to. There is only one woman more
Contributed by Dave Kinney on Nov 22, 2008
H.G. Wells -- here's the whole quote, "I am an historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily more