Contributed by Joseph Daniel on Jan 7, 2007
“If you haven’t looked at Christ on the cross, you’ll have to look at Him on the throne – with great trembling. The sacrificial death of Christ will be brought before the eyes of all who refuse to accept His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life.
In Bethlehem He came in mercy to forgive sin. more
Contributed by Richard Sharp on Mar 29, 2007
IF Jesus Christ be God and Died for me than no sacifice is to Great for me to give to Him. more
Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 2, 2007
Before the judgment seat of Christ my service will not be judged by how much I have done but by how much of me there is in it. No man gives at all until he has given all. No man gives anything acceptable to God until more
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In the 1500’s Martin Luther believed that Christ would return and usher in His Kingdom during his lifetime. Luther wrote, "We have reached the time of the white more
Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 28, 2007
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Putting on Christ means putting on a new life. Roman young men symbolized moving from Adolescence to maturity by taking of the toga of more
In Ephesians we are told to imitate Christ. What does this mean in today’s world? Have we forgotten what Christ did for each of us? Has the world pulled us so far away with all of the luxuries and niceties that we have forgotten that Jesus died for us to take away our sin? And that we were told more
Contributed by Brien Sims on Dec 13, 2007
Just as knowing Christ holds the most important place in becoming a Christian, we must also have heard ourselves about the love and joy of Christ. Since we have heard and accepted Christ, so others must hear and accept Christ so that they too can become a part of the fellowship of God. A major part more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Charles Wallis on Dec 27, 2007
Matthew Henry wrote, “The ordinances of Christ, if they do not make us better, will be very apt to make us worse; if they do not do our souls good, they do us harm; if they do not melt and mend, they will harden. more
Making Christ the center of your life is like making the hub of your life. Just like the hub of bicyle there are spokes the run out from the hub the outer weel. All the interest we have in life sports, hobbies, our job, family, recreation, etc. should not be the center of most important as the hub more
Assembly Of God
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"Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, won their confidence. Then He more
based on 7 ratings
"Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, won their confidence. Then He more
“F. B. Meyer was pastor of Christ’s Church in London at the time that G. Campbell Morgan was pastor of Westminster Chapel and Charles H. Spurgeon was pastor of the Metropolitan Chapel. Both Morgan and Spurgeon often had much larger audiences than did Meyer. Troubled by envy, Meyer confessed that more
Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 9, 2008
Years ago, a large statue of Christ was erected high in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile. Called "Christ of the Andes," the statue symbolizes a pledge between the two countries that as long as the statue stands, there will be peace between Chile and Argentina. Shortly after the more