Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 11, 2007
based on 3 ratings
"You never get to the point where everybody knows your story, where there is no more criticism. Remember, you are talking not to a crowd, but to a parade that is changing all the time. You must communicate with all the marchersyoung people are growing up, new people are assuming the burdens of more
Contributed by Joey Nelson on Aug 6, 2001
based on 95 ratings
Rod Serling said, "Everybody has to have a hometown… In the strangely brittle, terribly sensitive makeup of a human being, there is a need for a place to hang a hat, or a kind of geographical womb more
Contributed by Alan Perkins on Oct 28, 2002
based on 13 ratings
[Clip: "Everybody Loves Raymond," excerpted from episode 119, "Talk To Your Daughter". Note: this episode is one of four included in a "For Your Consideration" DVD/VHS package that was prepared for the 2002 Emmy voters. You might find it on ebay.]
Deborah: Ally just doesn’t want to know how we get more
Contributed by Tom Conant on Apr 3, 2009
Everybody loves a home run. It is so exciting to see the batter stand at the plate, especially if the game is on the line, size up the pitcher, make just the right swing, and then see the ball soar high into the centerfield seats. Wow, now that’s baseball! But I would like to suggest to you that more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Jun 8, 2009
Does God calls everybody to sacrifice greatly to follow Jesus? I believe that God does and that we often rationalize in order to justify our choices. You might not see it that way. But I can share with you our experience and I do this not to boast because if I boast it is in the Lord and what Jesus more
Church Of God
Contributed by Michael West on Apr 2, 2008
Everybody can do what I’m talking about today. God has put people in everybody’s life. Quit crying...what about my ministry….look around you, your ministry is right here, it’s over more