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In Sermon Illustrations: "death and life"

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  • A Person's Last Words Are Important. We Hang On ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    A person’s last words are important. We hang on to the dying words of those closest to us. We pass on the final words of great leaders for the next generation. It’s as if we are waiting for them to sum everything up in a few final statements. Some are famous: Nathan Hale (1755-1776) – "I only more

  • An Afflicted Life Can Save

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jul 22, 2009

    AN AFFLICTED LIFE CAN SAVE Or consider the young lady suffering with terminal cancer. It’s a painful and hopeless disease. But instead of complaints and self-pity, she openly talked about her hope of eternal life in Jesus, about the inheritance in heaven Jesus won for her by dying on the cross, more

  • When Dr. Stephen Olford Was Pastor Of The Calvary ...  PRO

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    When Dr. Stephen Olford was pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in New York City he had the opportunity of leading his brother who had been an agnostic most of his life to the Lord, as he lay in the hospital desperately ill. One day Dr. Olford was called to come to the hospital quickly and visit more

  • The Death Of C.s. Lewis In Nov. 22, 1963 Has For ...  PRO

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    The death of C.S. Lewis in Nov. 22, 1963 has for years been overshadowed by the assisination of President John F. Kennedy on the same day. While the anniversary of Lewis’ death seldom gets much press, throngs of people crowd into Arlington Memorial Cemetary to watch the changing of the guard at the more

  • How Much Time Do We Have ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2010

    How Much Time Do We Have Left? A few years ago People Magazine published an article entitled, “Dead Ahead,” telling about a new clock that keeps track of how much time you have left to live. It calculates an average life span of 75 years for men and 80 years for women. So you program your sex and more

  • I Stood By The Grave Of Irene Picket. Irene Was ...

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Dec 12, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    I stood by the grave of Irene Picket. Irene was 91 years old and had out lived her husband and children. She had an abrasive personality and a sharp tongue. That meant she had few friends. As her pastor I had visited her and had learned to love Irene. She was terribly interesting. She had been more

  • How James Montgomery Boice Faced Faced Death From ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How James Montgomery Boice Faced Faced Death from Cancer On May 7, 2000, Dr. Boice stood in this pulpit for the last time to speak about his cancer that would take his life in a month. Here is an excerpt: "If I were to reflect on what goes on theologically here, there are two things I would more

  • Vernon And Joey

    Contributed by Josh Hunt on Oct 13, 2012

    It is fitting that we begin with a true story involving three main characters: an elderly man nearing death, a kindhearted woman in robust health, and a deceased boy very much alive. Five months earlier, physicians had diagnosed sixty-five-year-old Vernon Samuels with terminal lung cancer. They more

  • Agony Claws My Mind. I Am A Statistic. When I ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 4, 2001
    based on 120 ratings

    Agony claws my mind. I am a statistic. When I first got here, I felt very much alone. I was overwhelmed by grief, and I expected to find sympathy. I found no sympathy. I saw only thousands of others whose bodies were as badly mangled as mine. I was given a number and places in a category. This was more

  • Life Is A Gift, Not A Right  PRO

    Contributed by Linda Hewett on May 14, 2001
    based on 82 ratings

    LIFE IS A GIFT, NOT A RIGHT Lord, help me remember that it is only by your power and will that I am even alive; and I can do nothing without you. You breathed your breath of life in me and allowed this speck of ’dust in the wind’ to exist. You are the moving of more

  • For The Rest Of My Life!!  PRO

    Contributed by Ian Biss on Jul 2, 2002
    based on 22 ratings

    FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! A little girl had been trying for months to learn the art of tying her shoes. She finally grasped the knack and was able to do it by herself. Her parents expected the child to be delighted, but were surprised by her disappointment. Her father asked why she was crying. more

  • Sin Complicates Life  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 15, 2002
    based on 5 ratings

    SIN COMPLICATES LIFE Let us lay aside the weight and sin that so easily entangles… Hebrews 11:2 I was supposed to get money from the ATM sometime during my work day. That’s all my wife asked of me that day. But for one reason, then another, I failed to do it. I know I went out to lunch that more

  • Dragged Through Life  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    DRAGGED THROUGH LIFE We live in a very tense, uptight, and fast-paced world filled with hurry. A Tahoma, Washington newspaper carried the story of Tattoo the basset hound a while back. Tattoo didn’t intend to go for an evening run, but when his owner shut the dog’s leash in the car door and took more

  • Is This The Life I Want?  PRO

    Contributed by Dean Kennedy on Sep 1, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    IS THIS THE LIFE I WANT? "I look in on my children as they sleep at night, [and] I think of the kind of father I want to be. I want to create moments of magic, I want them to remember laughing until the tears flow ... I want to have slow, sweet talks with them as they’re getting ready to close more

  • The Life And Teaching Of Jesus By ...

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 26, 2005

    ILLUSTRATION... The Life and Teaching of Jesus by James S Stewart, Abingdon Press pg 49 “Finally, Jesus would never violate the freedom of men’s wills. And that, too, the leap from the pinnacle would have involved. It would have been overriding their calmer judgment. It would have been forcing more

  • A Day In The Life Of A Shepherd  PRO

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SHEPHERD With a spring in his step and an eye to the sky, at sunrise, he makes straight for the sheep fold. As soon as he rattles the gate, he gives his morning call, greets the sheep, often by name, every sheep is on its feet. They spring toward the gate, with expectancy more

  • There Goes My Life  PRO

    Contributed by Scott Sharpes on Dec 17, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    THERE GOES MY LIFE Kenny Chesney has a new song/music video out entitled, “There Goes My Life…” It’s a ballad focusing on the life of two young kids in high school that find themselves in a crisis moment of a pregnancy out of wedlock. (I want to say here that I’m not advocating the immoral more

  • The Love Of My Life  PRO

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 2, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Rick Warren’s wife Kay has cancer. [He wrote "The Purpose Driven Life] Rick sends out a letter every week through his web site, and this is what a recent one said: “So many of you have asked about Kay’s progress in her treatment for cancer, so we wanted to give you an update. more

  • When Life Crashes In  PRO

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Aug 20, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    When Life Crashes In The classic MG moved briskly through the afternoon traffic. The drive enjoyed the quick response of the small high-powered convertible. After driving her station wagon, this little red car was rather like taking off her boots and putting on sneakers. Driving along with the more

  • Life Giving Love  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 26, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    LIFE GIVING LOVE Here is Ruth, a young widow, who chooses a life of singleness, not because she has no choice, but out of love for Naomi. She could have returned to her own people like Orpah, and would no doubt have been able to remarry and live a normal life, but she gave that up, for the time more

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