Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
based on 1 rating
Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the Living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
based on 1 rating
Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
based on 1 rating
Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more
Contributed by Richard Goble on Nov 1, 2007
I have several pocketknives at home. I’ve come to find that there are certain ways to handle a knife, especially when it’s open. Closed, I can toss it, stick it in my pocket, or squeeze it in my hand. It does very little harm. But open, it becomes a fierce weapon with the ability to injure or even more
Contributed by Tony Abram on Dec 21, 2007
"Let a man go away or come back: God never leaves. He is always at hand and if he cannot get into your life, still he is never farther more
Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 21, 2008
BIG JOHN COMING TO TOWN: New man made bartender and warned by owner, ‘If you hear Big John is coming drop everything and run for your life’.
Months later a white faced cowhand ran in yelling, ‘Big John is coming to town’.
Before the bartender could run into the saloon can a huge man riding a more
Contributed by Curt Cizek on Jul 22, 2008
Do you know where the phrase “buy the farm” comes from? It is actually rather recent in its usage. It started perhaps during WWI but certainly by WWII, having been recorded only in the 1950’s. Professor Jonathan Lighter has compiled the origin in the Random House Dictionary of American Slang. more