Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
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Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. “In honor of this holy season,” Saint Peter said, “You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.” The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
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But in fact, there have been many men of God who had professions, or who came out backgrounds that seemed unusual. There was a man from England, his name was John Bunyan and he worked most of his life as a tinker. That’s a person who makes utensils and stuff out of copper and tin. Well following more
Contributed by Eldon Reich on Aug 24, 2007
Men did you know that because a woman’s vocal cords are shorter than a man’s she can actually speak with less effort than you can. Shorter vocal cords not only cause a woman’s voice to be more highly pitched, but also require less air to become agitated, making it possible for her to talk more with more
Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 31, 2007
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In the 1840’s two young men came to this country from Germany. The older of the two was skilled in making Sauerkraut. He immediately headed for the west coast.
He bought land ... cultivated it ... and raised cabbage for sauerkraut.
The younger brother had no skill .. no profession. He decided to more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Oct 15, 2007
Two men were walking along discussing God, eternity, and judgment. One of them stops and says, “You know, there is a question I’d like to ask God.”
“What question?” his friend responds.
“How could you let all the evil and despair and injustice occur in this world?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense!” more
Church Of God
Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Oct 22, 2007
Moody Crusade: Two men came up afterwards with arms around each others shoulders and laughing, ‘Mr. Moody, you won’t believe this. We have worked with one another for 13 years and we didn’t know that we were both Christians until we both showed up at your crusade’.
Moody replied, ‘That is some of more
Contributed by Hal Seed on Dec 4, 2007
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When the wise men come to Jesus, they bring three gifts: Gold, which is the gift for royalty, a gift for a king. Incense, which was for divinity, a gift you give a God. And myrrh, which is a funeral gift, a gift used for burial. Their gifts show amazing insight.
At first hearing, you might think more
Contributed by Charles Wallis on Dec 27, 2007
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Two young men walked out of a service during communion. Maybe they felt out of place. Communion is important, but more important than the ceremony or tradition more
Man’s pursuit of joy, a quote; “Men have pursued joy in every avenue imaginable. Some have successfully found it while others have not. Perhaps it would be easier to describe where joy cannot be found:
Not in unbelief—Voltaire was an infidel of the most pronounced type. He wrote; “I wish I had more
Assembly Of God
Contributed by John Cuddeford on Feb 22, 2008
Two men were once discussing why it is that you cannot see the stars by day. The stars are still there. One man maintained that they could be seen if one went far enough down in a well. The other denied the proposition but permitted himself to be lowered into the well. After he had been lowered a more
Contributed by Anne Benefield on May 28, 2008
Reverend Marsh tells the story of two men who worked together for years.
Joe went to church every Sunday, Harvey not at all. One Monday morning, Harvey said, "Joe, I went to church yesterday," whereupon Joe responded excitedly, "Harvey, I'm sure glad to hear that."
Harvey continued, "The more