ILL. Juan Carlos Ortiz calls that "mashed potato love," & he illustrates it this way, "You go out to the potato patch & dig up all the potatoes & put them in one big bag. Now, all the potatoes are in the same big bag, but they’re still individual potatoes."

"Next, they go to the packing shed where they are cleaned & put into smaller bags, & sent to grocery stores. But even though they are in smaller bags, they are still individual potatoes."

"Then a customer buys 5 lbs. of potatoes, takes them home & peels them & puts them in the cooking pot. Now they’re closer together. Their skin no longer separates them. But they’re still individual potatoes."

"It is not until they’re boiled & mashed & mixed all together that they really become one."

"And that is what God wants for us. No super star standing up & saying, ‘Look at what a big potato I am.’ But all of us mixed & blended together, one in Jesus Christ.