Michael Horowitz is a Jewish attorney in Washington, D.C. who has done more for persecuted Christians than almost any Christian I know. He recently wrote to me that from his long experience with efforts to help rescue persecuted Christians, his sad experience is that U. S. Christian leaders are reluctant to speak out about the persecution of Christians for fear of being labeled anti-Muslim. Yet, he says he has learned that silence is neither a productive nor a moral option.

If churches fail to speak up for Christians, then who will? It will certainly not be the State Department. In an August 5th Catholic News Agency report, we learn that, “Since October 2014, 906 Muslim refugees from Syria were granted U. S. visas, while only 28 of Syria’s estimated 700,000 displaced Christians were given the same.”

It is tragic for people of all faiths and ethnicities to flee from their own homes because of war, famine or persecution. Yet when Christians (and other minorities like Yezidis) seek refuge in camps in other Middle Eastern countries, they often face beatings and harassment according to some relief workers.

Randel Everett,

Founder and President, Wilberforce Alliance