A lawyer, a doctor, and a preacher went deer hunting together when along came a big buck. The three of them all shot at the same time, and immediately the buck dropped to the ground. They all rushed up to examine the deer, but couldn't determine whose shot had actually killed it.

They were in the middle of a heated argument when a game warden came by and asked what the problem was. The doctor told him that they were debating who shot the buck. The warden took one look at the buck and immediately pronounced, "The preacher shot the buck!" They all wondered how he knew that so quickly. To which the warden said, "Easy. The bullet went in one ear and out the other." (As retold by P. J. Alindogan, The Potter's Jar blog, "Hearing", 3-4-12)

Ouch! Is that what people do with my preaching? Well, that's okay with my words, but it can be a real problem if people allow GOD'S Word to go in one ear and out the other.

(From a sermon by C. Philip Green, Grumble or Grow, 8/10/2012)