How many of you like Winnie the Pooh stories?

In one poignant story, we see Pooh Bear walking along a river bank. Eeyore, his stuffed donkey friend, suddenly appears floating downstream, on his back of all things, and is obviously troubled about the possibility of drowning. Pooh calmly asks if Eeyore had fallen in. Trying to appear in complete control, the anguished donkey answers, "Silly of me, wasn't it?" Pooh overlooks his friend's pleading eyes and remarks that Eeyore really should have been more careful. In greater need than ever, Eeyore politely thanks him for the advice (even though he needs action more than he needs advice). Almost with a yawn, Pooh Bear points out, "I think you are sinking." With that as his only hint of hope, drowning Eeyore asks Pooh if he would mind rescuing him. So Pooh pulls him from the river. Eeyore then apologizes for being such a bother, in his depressed tone, and Pooh, still unconcerned, yet ever so courteous, responds, "Don't be should have said something sooner."

Do you often react like Pooh when someone is in need? Do you point out the obvious? "Looks like you are should have been more careful!" Do you make others beg for help?

One thing comes through loud and clear from Scripture and that is that Jesus had a compassionate heart. Matthew 9:36: When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

(From a sermon by David Owens, A Compassionate Heart, 11/6/2011)