Robert Biggs, 69, who often hikes in the Whisky Flats area, came across a mother bear and her cubs, which were about 40 feet from where he was standing. After watching the bear family for a few minutes he decided to leave them alone and turned to walk back up the trail.

As he turned, a mountain lion pounced on him grabbing hold of his backpack with all four paws. He wrestled with the cat, even striking it with a rock pick, but it didn't let go. Before he knew it, the mother bear came from behind and pounced on the cat, tearing its grip from the backpack. [Good News Network]

Here's a great picture of two adversaries: Satan and the Messiah who would crush the serpent’s head. By following Satan’s suggestion into sin, the human race was lost. But our Savior is more vicious when it comes to defending his own. No price is too big.