"Bad blood" is an English phrase referring to enmity between two (or more) people or groups. This is a reference to the breaking of military covenants.

Not too long ago in the 19th century leeches were enjoying a golden age. Millions were raised for medical use as their fame as a cure-all ensued. The mid 1800s saw their constant use for local bloodletting. Druggists administered thousands of leeches to patients with anything from gumboils to facial discolouration. For over 4000 years, the leech has been a familiar remedy, with Greek and Roman physicians praising the application of this clever invertebrate. Leeches would extract blood from the patient and only in recent days this form of medicine was practically discontinued. The idea was to extract "bad blood" so that the body could regenerate. These "bloodsuckers" can be extremely efficient in restoring blood circulation. After medicine abandoned these methods just a few decades ago now there is new interest in leeches and some surgeons are starting to use them again in hospitals. Old wisdom has some advantages...

When we reject God there is "bad blood" between God and us. Yes he may help you and even protect you but He has not an obligation to do so. God is love and He is merciful. However, when you decide to follow Christ and enter in a blood covenant with God there is a powerful promise that you now become a child of God. You can become an heir of God's promises just like Abraham. You need to be baptized in water to seal your part or the deal and allow some "spiritual leeches" to remove the "bad blood" of your sins so that you can be renewed in your way of life, healed and transformed by the Holy Spirit.