I came upon my 3rd grade report card from a small school in Western Pennsylvania. The teacher wrote, "I feel Bradley could do so much better. Inattentive."
Well not much has changed. ADD started early. But I was not inattentive when it came time for sports. Why the disconnect? It is because I was told I was dumb when I was younger when it came to my studies. I was also told that I could be a great athlete. I believed in what people told me and I excelled in what I believed in.
Today we have two choices when trials come. Will we choose to believe our past failures or look to the God of the universe who created you and I and believe! Believe that things will work out for His glory and honor in our lives. The problem we get into and then it turns to worry is that we want to know how God is going to do it. "Lord, how are you going to get me out of this mess." Don’t feel alone, the Psalms are all about this type of worry. But in the end God ALWAYS COMES THROUGH. I am going to take one day at a time and do the best that I can to the Glory of the Lord. I would pray that you can do the same. Don’t look far down the road of life; then you won’t have to say “Yikes” and be caught off guard.